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"Thank you for letting her stay here," Maeve smiled up at Talia as they stood in the doorway of the living room, watching Elizabeth sit fussing over Derek in front of them, "I would like to promise she'll behave, but this is my mother for you."

At the thought of staying with her family, Elizabeth was quick to decline, with options limited, Derek gave up his room for the Argent. Much to any hunters dismay, Elizabeth approved of Derek, knowing he fit her daughter very well.

Laura stood between the two werewolves, raising a brow at the human as Elizabeth insulted Derek's hairstyle, moving to correct it, sending Cora into a fit of giggles, "Why is there a hunter in our living room?"

"Not a hunter," Maeve reminded her with a sigh.

Elizabeth and Maeve lived up to the expectations of the black sheep of the family like it was their own title, only Maeve wished she had the confidence like her mother to be strong enough to fight against it.

"She's an Argent," Laura added like it was obvious, Maeve shrugged, shaking her head.

"She also broke a nail the first time she shot a gun, refused to partake in the family business ever since," Maeve informed her, smiling fondly of her mothers past arguments with her family members, "She's gotta lethal temper though."

Cora ran over excitedly, tugging on Maeve's hands "Your mom said you'd paint our nails, Maevey!"

Maeve laughed, letting Cora pull her into in the room, waving goodbye to the two Hales rushing after the youngest, "Did she now?"

Cora laughed as Maeve twirled her around, the two jumping back onto the couch, Derek smiled fondly down at the two of them, nodding over to Elizabeth as he pulled himself up from the beat up armchair.

"Mom," Derek began approaching his mom in the doorway nervously, motioning for her to follow him "Can i ask you something?"

Laura whistled at her brothers nervous facial expression, Derek rolling his eyes, nudging her shoulder as she walked into the room. Talia nodded, the two of them making their way out of the house.

Talia looked over to her son questioningly, Derek taking a deep breath as he closed the front door behind him, pulling his jacket tighter around him, "Is Maeve my mate?"

Since Elizabeth spoke of it, the thought of him and Maeve really being mates had haunted his mind for hours, build up of confusion and fear. Maeve being his mate is one of the best things that could've happened to him, but for his whole life the only view of mates he'd seen, was a tragic one.

Talia stared at Derek in shock, silence falling on her lips as Derek nervously walked further towards her, "Mom?"

"Derek-" Talia began with a sigh.

"Don't lie to me, just don't lie," Derek stared at her pleadingly,  "Is it true?"

"Do you trust her with her life? Do you trust her enough to not let her family kill you?" Talia questioned suddenly, Derek frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest, "How do you know she isn't playing you?"

Derek listened to his mother in disbelief, "Why would you even ask that!"

Dating an Argent, the literal enemy, filled Derek with doubts, hearing his mother voice them made it hurt much worse.

"If you were given the choice of her or your family, would you choose her? Would you stand by her no matter what, even if it gets you killed?" Talia continued harshly, standing strong as her son glared up at her.

"Mom!" Derek protested, trying to push aside the questions, not wanting to know the answer.

"And would you be willing, to feel truly heartbroken the moment you loose her? Forever having a piece missing, never being able to get it back," Talia questioned, her eyes glowing at just the thought of the pain of her past, clutching the wooden handrail as she shouted "Answer the question, Derek!"

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