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Maeve Argent sat across one of the many windowsills in the school hallways, propping her leg up against the glass, the other dangling comfortably from the wall, the blonde smiled as she finished her book.

Glancing across the hallway, Maeve spotted Derek and Jamie through the small window in the classroom door. For the whole of the school, the day was over, but for Derek and Jamie, detention awaited them.

The school year had quickly come to a close, and for Maeve who's attendance at the school had only been brief, she couldn't help feeling nostalgic knowing her days of high school education were over but only began eleven months ago.

Hearing the double doors behind her slam, Maeve turned to see Archie wondering out of the library, shovelling as many books as he could into his backpack.

"You are aware that schools finished, Arch?" Maeve laughed quietly, smiling as he looked up to her quite startled, letting out a sigh noticing who was sat in front of him.

Archie shrugged, passing their now empty lockers, "Some books are just too hard to let go."

Maeve squinted, titling her head to look down at one of the books, "I never knew medicine through the ages, had such a special place in your heart."

"It's for my dad, some of the herbal remedies have quite the effect on the supernatural," Archie explained, rolling his eyes at Maeve.

The two teens jumped as Jamie came tumbling out of the classroom, almost knocking the door off its hinges as Derek ran out behind him.

Jamie let out a cheer that was almost too painful for the supernatural ear, whilst Derek, for once in his life, had the biggest grin.

Looking to the duo in surprise, Maeve gasped as Derek lifted her off the window sill, laughing as he twirled her about, Jamie's chants echoing around the hallway.

"It's over! No more of this hellhole for the rest of my life!" Jamie looked ready to cry, excitedly bobbing on his feet, shaking Archie to try and join the happiness.

Dizzily finding her feet back on the ground, Maeve gripped onto Derek's hand tightly, smiling at the friends "Someone's glad to graduate."

Derek chuckled, wrapping his arm around Maeve before setting his head on-top of hers "That is if he doesn't fail like Laur did."

Jamie scoffed, playfully glaring at Derek as he marched towards the doors "I'll have you know, Derek Seth Hale, that Laura and I have worked exceptionally hard to pass our exams."

"Worked exceptionally hard to cheat," Archie corrected, following his friends out of the door, the summer heat instantly hitting.

Maeve frowned as they reached the end of the path, turning around to stare up at the school, "It's a little sad, isn't it?"

Maeve frowned as they reached the end of the path, turning around to stare up at the school, "It's a little sad, isn't it?"

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