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After coming to the conclusion that Maeve was in fact not fine, the pair slept for as long as they could until Luna have flouncing in declaring everyone had to wake up.

Which she did.

Climbing onto her parents bed, Luna woke up Derek with a suffocating hug, "Dad! You're here!"

"Hi Lu," Derek replied sleepily.

Maeve rolled onto her side, hiding her head under her pillow with a groan.  Luna frowned at her mother, deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to jump on her too.

"Moms sick," Derek told Luna, picking her up as he climbed out of bed.

"Oh," Luna mumbled, leaning on Derek's shoulder as he carried her out of the room.

"Can you look after her while i'm away today?" Derek questioned, setting her down on the dining table chairs, "Because I trust you to do that."

Giving Luna a task to do was a way of making sure she behaved throughout the day which was a method Derek and Maeve took advantage of frequently.

Dean sleepily walked into the kitchen, raising his brows at Derek, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yep! I'll look after her, promise!" Luna grinned confidently, nodding her head, "What about the baby?"

Derek and Dean paused what they were doing, whirling around to look at Luna, "What?"

Luna frowned, "What?"

Sharing a confused look with his brother, Derek glanced back at Luna, "What baby?"

"Mommy's baby," Luna answered slowly, "Who's going to look after the baby?"

Derek blinked in surprise, "There is no baby, Lu."

"But last time mommy was sick she was having a baby," Luna argued, "And she's sick now."

"Yes, well," Derek stuttered, "There isn't a baby."

"Oh," Luna hummed, "Well, I think there should be."

"You hear that Derek?" Dean snorted, sitting down at the table, "Better get baby making."

"Shut up," Derek glared, "Ignore your uncle, Luna."

"How do we get babies?" Luna questioned, a puzzled frown on her face, "Do they just appear in mommy's stomach - Do you buy them?! Wait, do you eat it!"

Derek groaned, covering his face in his hands, ignoring Dean's laughter echoing around the kitchen. Of course Luna would ask him the question he never wanted to answer.

"Nana Lorraine said I was an accident. How do you get an accident baby? Do you fall on it? But that would hurt it..." Luna continued, unfazed by Derek's shock or Deans laughter, "Well? Nana also said you didn't have protection, did you need a helmet? Did you have to fight!"

Dean barked out more laughter, slamming his hand on the table, "Did you need a sword, Derek?"

"Dean, I will punch you." Derek glared with a sigh, turning to Luna, "I think we should wait for your mom to answer that question, Lu. She'll tell you much better than I can."

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