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Derek had brought Maeve back to the Hale house, knowing his mother is home, they stayed out in the garden leading out through the trees into the preserve. Maeve had been unsettled knowing she could be found out by her family at any moment by just being sat with Derek Hale, but for some reason she felt comfort in the company of the teen wolf.

Derek and Maeve sat back out near the pond on a small clearing of grass, bluebells overgrown and in every direction. Maeve sighed in defeat, glancing down at her red painted nails in her lap, trying to control the claws that only seemed to appear when they weren't supposed to.

"I can't do it," Maeve told Derek with a frown, Derek shook his head, smiling slightly at Maeve sat opposite of him.

"Just wait," Derek continued, sitting up from lounging back in the flowers, encouragingly lifting Maeve's hands up.

Maeve nodded slowly, taking a deep breath as she held her hands out quickly, staring up at Derek in shock as claws replaced her short nails, "I did it!"

"You did it!" Derek grinned proudly, as Maeve glanced back up to him, her claws faded.

Maeve bit her lip in concentration, holding her hand out to Derek, barley noticing his lingering gaze "Try it with me?"

When Maeve's real identity came to light, Derek tried to paint her as the villain, to put her with her family's reputation. That was until he'd gotten to know her, even if it were for a few moments, Derek could see there was a goodness in Maeve, a kindness that was overshadowed by hurt and pain. How could he even try to hate her for that? 

"Derek Hale, are you trying to get yourself killed?" Derek and Maeve jumped back at the sound of Peter Hales taunting shout, turning to find him stood with an amused glare.

"Oh god," Derek muttered, Maeve glanced back at Peter awkwardly, herself and Derek shuffling up to stand "Get up!"

"Here to finally kill me, Argent?" Peter joked, Maeve noticed his playful tone, shrugging her shoulders with a smirk going along with him "Don't tempt me."

"Looks like that werewolf confidence kicked in, huh?" Peter pointed out, Derek and Maeve smiled at each other knowingly "My sisters home, so if you want Derek here to be not grounded for the rest of his miserable life. I suggest you leave."

Maeve had been alarmed by her sudden urge to argue with her family, and her lack of fear whilst doing so, but she was also glad she didn't hide in the corner and let everyone make choices for her. The same applied to the Hales, Maeve would be closed off and barley willing to even tell them her name, but for once Maeve could make friends without a horrid sense of fear flooding through her.

"I wasn't joking about my aunt," Maeve turned back to Derek, ignoring Peter's confused stare on the both of them, "She's probably thinking of every way to make me regret making her look weak in front of Gerard."

"Are you sure?" Derek asked in concern, sighing as Maeve nodded slowly.

"Kate wasn't afraid to hurt me when i was human," Maeve hesitantly told them, nervously glancing down to her feet "But i can't imagine what she'd do if she found out."

Though in the moment, Maeve knew she could protect herself, but that didn't take away the life long fear and worry over her family and how her life would be affected as a result.

"You'll be fine," Derek argued hopefully, Peter rolled his eyes at the optimism, Maeve too was not looking confident in his words either "You're a werewolf now."

"She's still an omega," Peter added in, crossing his arms over his oversized denim jacket, Derek sent him a glare.

"Maeve, you have us," Derek promised defensively, much to his uncles dismay, Peter muttering disapprovingly under his breath making Derek speak up angrily "What do you expect her to do, Peter? Maeve didn't ask for any of this!"

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