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It wasn't long until Maeve was back in her old school hallways, and like usual, it was never for any good reason.

With Dean on the verge of a suspension, again, and the whole town freaking out about the body, the whole police department had their hands full.

Maeve and her partner, Collins, stood beside the sheriff in front of the school principle, "We want everyone under the age of eighteen to be in their home by 9:30pm. We'd like to institute the curfew effective immediately."

"Look we don't..." The headteacher began, Maeves gaze flickered down the hallway, letting out a sigh as she noticed Scott and Stiles trying to hide behind a wall, listening into their conversation.

"Curfew because of the body," Scott explained, turning back to Stiles as he listened in.

"Unbelievable," Stiles scoffed, stepping back from the wall, "My dads out looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out doing whatever he wants."

"You can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek," Scott pointed out nervously.

Stiles stared over at his father and the two detectives with a sigh, "I can do something."

"Like what?" Scott questioned, almost teasingly.

"Find the other half of the body," Stiles answered, almost jumping out of his skin as he noticed Maeve stood only a few feet away from them "Maeve!"

Maeve stared at the two best friends suspiciously, hearing their whole conversation, before turning away to head back over to the sheriff.

The detective was fully aware of what had happened to Scott, but typical Derek, assured her that he had the whole thing under control. Which he did not...

Stiles quickly grabbed his backpack, running after her, "Maeve! Maevey!"

"Detective!" Stiles finally called, letting out a breath of relief as Maeve finally stopped walking.

"What, Stiles?" Maeve questioned, crossing her arms.

"Anything new about the body?" Stiles asked hopefully.

"None of your business, buddy," Maeve patted his shoulder, shaking her head with a grin.

"Maeve, Maeve, Maeve," Stiles wined, following her down the hallway.

Maeve glared at him over her shoulder, the teen correcting himself, "Sorry, Detective."

"Thank you, Stiles," Maeve rolled her eyes in amusement, "Get to class, you can do the detectives work when you actually become one."

"Hold on-"

Maeve simply nodded over at Dean lounging on the chairs outside of the principles office, "I have a teenager to throttle."

"Stilinski," Dean greeted his classmate, a taunting smile on his face.

"Hale," Stiles grumbled with a scowl, making his way over to his next class, greeted by Elizabeth at the door happily handing out pop quizzes.


Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Can't say I'm too happy to see you either, Mr Stilinski."

Stiles glared at the test in her hand, "But we had a test yesterday!"

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