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Again, trigger warnings for this chapter ❤️

Fire trucks and ambulances were scattered all around the burning Hale house, cops had begun to flood in searching for the cause, but none of that was noticed by the remaining Hales.

Peter was surrounded by paramedics, the humans marvelled that he was still breathing, acting quickly to get him back to the hospital. Kieran was almost healed, standing beside his uncle has they attended to him.

Maeve sat on the bench that her and Derek had claimed as their own, staring out at the pond blankly, Dean half asleep at her side. Maeve was exhausted just like the nine year old, but she couldn't sleep, she could barley shut her eyes without the moments prior haunting her thoughts.

A disheveled sheriff parked his cruiser beside one of the fire trucks, looking sternly down at his son who sat in the passenger seat, gazing at the house in bewilderment. Noah Stilinski too was exhausted, riddled by grief of the passing of his wife, but hearing the tragedy that happened, he couldn't not come back into work.

"Stiles, stay in the car," Noah demanded, closing the door to the car but Stiles had already rolled down the window.

"But dad!" Stiles protested, practically dangling out of the window as he tried to look past the many vehicles to see what was happening.

"Stay," Noah told him once more, turning away from his sulking son, making his way under the police tape onto the scene.

The majority of the blast had been put out, but fire still burnt its way through the house, clouds of smoke slowly making their way up into the sky.

Noah's eyes widened at the sight of Peter being moved into the ambulance, his body completely covered in burns. Noticing the eldest Hale sibling climb into the ambulance beside him, Noah nodded sympathetically at Kieran, the newly turned wolf smiling slightly in return.

One of the firefighters stopped beside the sheriff, whistling in surprise at the state of Peter, "I'm surprised anyone made it out of there, the other survivors would've ended up looking like him if it wasn't for that girl."

Noah looked to him in confusion, "There were more survivors?"

"One of the kids wife went running in, dragged the rest of 'em out before the structure collapsed," the dark haired firefighter recited, "The whole things so sad, never thought I'd be seeing a fire like this again, I'll tell you that."

Noah nodded slowly, glancing around the Hale property for the rest of the survivors, figuring they'd be in or close by to an ambulance.

Spotting the familiar blonde hair in the distance, Noah raced forward in a panic "Maeve!"

Looking over her shoulder, Maeve stood up in relief at the familiar face, leaving Dean sat on the bench asleep as she walked away.

"Thank god you're alright," Noah sighed as he pulled his intern into a hug, Maeve tearfully leant her head on his chest "Maeve?"

Noah and Maeve had grown close over the months she had interned at the station, and for Noah, knowing this was the daughter of the woman he used to love, he couldn't help but feel responsible for her.

Maeve kept her gaze on the floor, refusing to look up as her tears now rolled of her cheeks, "Maeve, look at me."

"They're gone-" Maeve whispered, her voice barley there, looking up at Noah hesitantly "Everyone, there all gone."


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