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Derek growled under his breath as he tugged on the handcuffs, "I could easily get out of these, you know."

"So could I," Chris agreed, "You may be familiar with it, but I'm not interested in being a fugitive from the law."

Waking up that morning Maeve didn't expect to see her husband and uncle get arrested, she was still baffled, actually.  The house was full when the deputies came knocking on the door, Dean and Luna had laughed so hard they'd cried.  Poor Malia had no idea what was going on whilst Isaac held Maeve back from attacking the cops and getting herself arrested too.

Derek scoffed, "Well, I'm not interested in being a victim to a 17-year-old possessed by a psychotic fox."

"Just give me a few more minutes," Chris asked, sighing as Derek tugged on the cuffs again, "Derek!"

"Okay, fine. If something happens, don't expect me to risk my life trying to save yours," Derek stated in defeat.

Derek glanced across the room, feeling at ease as he spotted Maeve hurrying about, a stack of folders in her arms. She'd quickly gone from his biggest defender to happily letting him sit handcuffed to the bench once she realised the humour of it all.

She and Noah walked side by side through the station, Noah nodded over at Derek and Chris, "It's a little bit unprofessional having your son in law under arrest, isn't it?"

"Well it wouldn't be the first time," Maeve chuckled, "These lot gossip all day, I wouldn't worry about them. Derek being arrested will be old news soon enough."

"I hope so," Noah laughed, "You're taking this surprisingly well."

Maeve shrugged, "Nothing much surprises me anymore."

Derek and Chris looked around in confusion as those in the station rushed around in a panic whilst the parcel with Maeve's name on it sat peacefully on Noah's desk.

Maeve walked out of the integration rooms, glancing around at her flustered coworkers. She shared an alarmed look with Archie beside her.

"What's happening?" Chris asked a deputy who rushed over, unlocking their cuffs.

Derek listened through the shouting, momentarily distracted by Maeve's voice, sitting up quickly as he picked up on a distorted noise.

Chris' shouts going unnoticed, "What's happening?"

Derek turned to look inside Noah's office, spotting the bomb hidden inside the box.

"Get down!" Derek shouted, grabbing into Chris, pulling him down to hide under the bench.

It was only as Maeve started to sprint across the station to unlock their cuffs when the bomb exploded, the force alone knocking them to the ground. Maeve coughed at the impact of a wooden blind hitting her legs as the windows exploded, glass shards falling to the floor all around her.

"Get me an ambulance here, at the sheriff's station. We've got an explosion. We got multiple officers down. Multiple officers down. We need an ambulance A.S.A.P. On the double!"

Scott and Stiles hurried inside, looking around in shock. Stiles spotted Maeve on the floor, sprinting over in a panic.

"Maeve? Maeve!" Stiles exclaimed, helping her up, his eyes wide at the blood on her legs - but thankfully he could tell the cuts had started to heal.

"I'm fine," Maeve gasped, leaning on her brother as she stood up, looking around the station, "What the hell happened."

"I sent a bomb here," Stiles mumbled.

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