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Rain pelted against the roof of the sleek black Range Rover as it came to a sudden holt, the driver clutched the wheel, swearing under her breath, "Son of a Bitch."

The usually rowdy neighbourhood was cluttered with cars, all surrounding one of the houses, groups of what appeared to be older teens, mid- twenty's men.

Looking up the bright light of his phone, Jamie Walsh noticed the neighbourhood instantly, "Does that kid have a death wish?"

Maeve Hale tugged on her leather jacket from the backseat, hopping out of the car before closing the door with a slam, "He does now."

Scowling as she stormed across the wet grass, her heels sinking into the mud, Maeve opened the door to the beat up house. Music vibrated throughly the house, clouds of smoke and alcohol were overbearing to the werewolf.

Boys from the gang whistled as Maeve passed them, the blonde rolled her eyes, shoving past them in search of a certain beta.

Dean Hale almost dropped his beer bottle at the sight of the blonde storming into the room, staring at Maeve with wide eyes as she finally noticed him. Walking into the room, Dean's best friend and Maeve's best friends son, Benji, froze at the sight of her.

The gang leader hummed at the sight of Maeve, glancing tauntingly up at Dean, "Mama come to take you home, Deano?"

Despite being tall herself, Maeve was tiny next to the two boys, but that didn't phase her one bit.

Handing her car keys to Benji, the human didn't even hesitate, quickly leaving the house at her words "Benji, go."

"Get in the car, Dean," Maeve crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance, impatiently waiting for the teen to follow her.

Dean glared at the older wolf in embarrassment, tugging on his black denim jacket, but stood still.

"Dean," Maeve warned, Jamie stepping into the room beside her, a few of the teens clearing out.

"You just made a big mistake, sweetheart," Dean watched the leader step forward cautiously, taking note at Jamie's forceful nod at the door, "Cops don't last long 'round here."

Maeve glared at Dean one last time, the teen sighed, making his way out of the house, Jamie following to make sure he actually went.

"Go near Dean again and I'll gladly throw your ass in jail, sweetheart," Maeve mocked, barley paying the boy a second glance as she stormed out of the run down house.

Maeve's long time dream of becoming a lawyer changed after the fire, wanting to stop the crime whilst it was happening, before even, instead of picking up the pieces. 

Finding Dean leant against her car, Maeve pointed to the door, "Get in before I leave you to walk."

"What the hell is wrong with the both of you?" Maeve exclaimed as she sat down in the drivers seat, abruptly starting up the car.

Looks of horror graced the trios faces as Maeve began to drive, all knowing that driving was not her strong suit. Add the rain pouring around them, and the three were exceptionally worried to be in a car with her.

Benji looked up fearfully, "Please don't tell my mom."

"Don't worry, Benji, I value your life. But you-" Maeve glanced over at Dean through the mirror, the teen letting out a sigh, avoiding her gaze "Anything to say for yourself, grumpy?"

Dean stayed silent, Jamie leant back, whacking the wolf across the back of the head, Dean scowled, sarcastically looking up in acknowledgment.

"If you want to land yourself in a jail cell next to your dad, fine by me," Maeve stated, "But i know your brothers will think otherwise."

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