Chap.7 - The lie part2- Stefano

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        On my way to work I stop by my penthouse to pick up more files on Sergey. We still haven't got him and we have no clue what his endgame is. He's still trying to take shipments but we've been catching his men in the act. As well as taking his shipments, so far he hasn't retaliated. Although despite our best efforts all of them have died before we could capture them.

       Walking into the estate Antonio is walking down the stairs.

"Sup bro, dad, Enzo and Tony are all upstairs in Enzo's office. I'm grabbing drinks. Want whiskey?" He says walking backwards to the kitchen. I say yes and make my way to Enzo's office.

"We found a very large money transfer from Greece to Russia." Enzo says as I walk in.

"Isn't the Greece mafia allies with Russia?" Tony asks

"I'm not aware but if they are making exchanges that would be my guess." Enzo replies. My father sits there and just watches, evaluating us.

"We should get all the info we can on the Greece mafia. Maybe their boss can help us with Sergey. Whether that be by choice or not." I suggest.

"I'm glad you said it." Enzo smiles pulling out a shit ton of papers. "Cause you're gonna be the one to go through their records and try to find more transfers to Russia." Shit.

Walking into my bedroom I flip through the files. As far as I can tell there used to be a lot of money transfers between them, but about ten years ago they stopped until a different account sent money a month ago. After 12 hours of nothing but looking at these files I finish writing the report and walk to Enzo's office. 6 a clock and I'm starving. Since I'm done with the report I can probably sneak away and have dinner with Anna. Checking the home cameras I see she's just changing out of her messy overalls.

"FUCK!" I hear Enzo yell from his office. Running in I notice the small letters on the desk. Sergey sent another message. "What the fuck does he want now!" He grits through his teeth messing with the letters. I close my eyes trying to think of what it could be. A person, he could come for one of the twins, they are at a friend's house studying, or mom she's just at the mall like Sydney was.  I pull out my phone to check on them when Tony abruptly pushes Enzo's hands out of the way and messes with the letters. "Watch it tony!" Enzo warns.

"Stefano" his face said it all. He was scared and if he was looking at me it was Anna. Standing I see her name and my heart stops. I waste no time in running to the car with dad, Enzo and Tony on my tail. Ant calls after us but none of us answer. Getting in the car Enzo questions from the back seat next to Tony.

"What the fuck is going on Stefano? Who's Annalise?" I ignore him speed driving home. Dad pulls out his phone and calls someone.

"Charlie go over Anna's and check on her. Sergey sent her name, he's coming for her." He takes my attention away from the road. He knew about Anna? Seeing my face he enlightens me.

"Yes I knew about Anna, Mr. Fairduth is loyal to me first and I knew you were hiding something. So I hired Charlie to go undercover and keep an eye on her. Someone who could actually help if something went wrong." He says showing his disappointment. Focusing back on the road I pull out my phone and tell Tony to pull up the cameras so we can see what's going on.

I instantly hear her scream, my hands tighten around the wheel and I step on the gas harder. Going far over the speed limit but I don't give a shit I have to get to her.

"FUCK YOU!" I hear her yell followed by a man screaming. She stabbed him. That's my girl. She loves knives and I always get her new ones when I'm in other countries.

"There's two men, she stabbed the one that was holding her but the other guy is following her u.." he pauses. "Some guy just came in and shot Sergey's guy."

"That's Charlie. He's there to protect her. I told him to keep her in the room until we get there."

"I've known Anna for a year now, how have I not met Charlie?" Tony complains, sometime she can be as annoying as Antonio.

"Focus Tony!" I yell at him.

I hear Anna's frantic questioning and luckily Charlie tells her I need to answer those questions. I know I do and I'm dreading that conversation. Pulling up to the house I jump out of the car and yell for her going into the house. I see the first dead man. He's also bleeding from the leg wound so he's the one that was holding Anna. Going up the stairs I see another one and just as I reach the top I see Anna come out of the room. Her eyes lock on the dead body.

When I finally get her to look at me I pull her into a bone crushing hug until my father pulls her attention away from me.

"Mr.Frederick?" She questions. So he didn't just know about her, he met her with a fake name. Probably to see if she was a threat or why I was hiding her. I have to tell her. I can't get around it. Fuck I hate myself for not just telling her before.

"Baby." I grab her attention. "I'm in the mafia and my family is. These men were sent by our enemy, Sergey, to kidnap you and hurt you." I explain the short version. I'll go into detail later right now. I just want to get her out of here. She's in shock and passed out. Because of all the trauma today I'm surprised it took her this long to pass out.

        Catching her I pick her up bridal style and turn to my father, Enzo and Tony. The only one in the dark here is Enzo. Although I have no doubt he's already figured it out by himself. Mr.Fairduth's voice breaks the awkward silence.

"Boss, Charlie and I only saw the two men and the dog is only sleeping. They probably used a small amount of gas so he wouldn't bark." He explains. I can't be mad at him. He was only looking out for Anna but I still don't like that he betrayed me. "I'm sorry son but I had to. It was in her best interest." he says to me, seeing my disappointment. I nod my head looking down at Anna out cold.

"Charlie please stay here and look after the animals and the house. Mr.Fairduth you can go home or stay. I don't care. Good work to both of you. Stefano take Anna's car with Enzo. He's the only one here that doesn't know what's going on. Tony with me." Father orders all of us.

        Going down to her car I place her in the back and get in with Enzo in the passenger seat. We sit in silence for a while, I decide to break it.

"I met Anna when Ant turned 21 and had to go to the hospital. She was his nurse." I explain the beginning.

"Why?" Is all he says, but I know what he means.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want enemies like Sergey to know about her. And I didn't want her to know about the mafia. I guess I was being selfish. I didn't want her to leave me." All he does is nod his head.

"I'm not gonna pick. It's your life but the important thing is that she's safe now. I'm glad we at least got to someone before that fucker got her." He says looking back at her. He smiles and says "I honestly thought you were gay. You stopped fucking Emily and Tony has been leaving with you more than usual the past few months." his comment makes me laugh.

"I stopped fucking Emily when Anna came in the picture. And as for Tony after he met Anna he wanted to see her a lot. And well to eat her food." I say. The rest of the ride was silent.

        I carry her into my room and place her on the bed. Pushing the hair out of her face I kiss her soft lips.

"I'm so sorry baby girl. I should have never gotten involved with you." I whisper to her and leave the room.

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