Chap.21 - The end - Stefano

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"Wakey wakey," I hear Anna say with a click of the door. After we got home the doc stitched my leg and gave me morphine; I took a very happy nap."The shows in a few hours. Are you sure you want to go?"

"There's no way in hell I'm missing it." I've had worse injuries. Ones from being blown up. I'll walk with a limp, but I'll be fine for her show. After Sergey and her brother I don't want her out of the house. I know I can't keep her inside but I can at least go out with her.

       All of us are going to her show. Anna's a little nervous, but she really enjoys it so enjoyment trumps the nerves. My leg, stomach and arm hurt like a bitch, but my injuries affect me less than Anna's. She has a big bruise on her cheek and her hand had to be stitched from the glass. Callas got her good. Her fucking brother. I couldn't help but feel guilt and anger when I saw her bruise. It was the same as seeing her hurt from Sergey.

I keep my distance from Anna while she talks to her art people. Most of them are rich and older. The men check her out, but quickly see her engagement ring. I make sure to send them a glare every time. I'm a possessive bastard.

"How you feelin?" Enzo says coming up behind me. He's been on edge the past week. Syd is ready to pop any day. It's one of the reasons we all came to Italy. Syd wanted the baby born here. I have to admit I'm pretty excited about being an uncle. Although the idea of not being a father doesn't bother me. Anna and I are happy how we are and I wouldn't change that for the world. Besides Jackson's pretty much a baby so we already have a child.

"Great," I say looking at Anna. Regardless of my physical pain I'm still glad to be here. "How's Syd?"

"Good, she can't wait to have Cleo out. To hold her but to also not be pregnant anymore." I can't even imagine.

Mom always talked about her pregnancies like it was magic, but I don't see how it is. Syd's feet are swollen her belly is so big and I've noticed changes in her emotions. Enzo does his best to make her feel better. He rubs her feet, helps her around, and get what ever food she wants. Even pickles with vanilla ice cream.

"By the way Nathaniel Drakos is coming over to discuss some things. He says he's coming alone as good faith, but I still don't trust him. Not after Callas." He informs me as he leaves. Great. Another Greek bastard. I didn't like how he said he wanted to keep Anna safe.

"Hello my beautiful fiancé." I greet her pressing my chest to her back and kissing her head. "So, what's the money for this show going to?" She always announces it but I'm impatient.

"Rape and domestic abuse survivors." Nadia.

        She leans back into me; I have to hold back a groan from the pain that shoots through my stomach. I just know she won't want to have sex out of fear she'll hurt me; no matter how many times I tell her I'm fine. Even though it hurts like a bitch.

"You are an amazing person you know that," she really is, and I absolutely love her for it. She's caring, but sassy, and strong, but soft. She walks me over to a painting; it explicitly says not for sale.

"This is what I was working on when I locked myself in my studio." Nat and Bagheera. In her grief she made a beautiful piece. Even Bagheera took Nat's death hard. Granted he doesn't know she died; he can still tell Anna is sad and that Nat isn't around. He lays with Anna every night, and she said it's now he use to lay with Nat.

"Why don't we hang it up at home. The living room?" She nods, but before we can continue the conversation, commotion takes our attention. "What's up?" I ask Tony who's walking by.

"Syd's having contractions. Enzo, and your parents are taking her to the hospital." Shit, now I owe Ant 10 bucks.


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