Chap. 1 - Life - Annalise/Stefano

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Walking into the kitchen of my childhood home I take in a deep breath of lavender. The scent overpowers the spray paint smell from the job I was just at, a local business wants a mural. Nana always loved lavender candles. The bright orange sun rays beam through the windows.

"Nana!! Papa!!" I yell "I'm home!!" They are both old and don't have very good hearing. One time I was vacuuming and they still didn't even know I was here. Nana and papa are the older couple who adopted me when I was 8.

I move to the city in a month so I want to spend a lot of time with them.

"Nana! I brought stuff to make a cake!!....." still no answer. Walking up the creaky steps I feel dread and anxiety cloud my chest. Their bedroom door is already open which is old because they always closed it. Walking in I see they are still in bed. Both laying on their back.

Oh god no, I tear escape my eye as I see their chests not moving

"P-Papa?" Whisper holding his hand hoping he'll wake up. "Nana?"  When I get no response I collapse to the floor sobbing.

Opening my eyes I see Beretta in my face. I take a deep breath and wipe the tears from my eyes. My dreams of nana and papa always make me cry. Thankfully not as hard as when they died. They died a few years ago in their sleep. They were older and adopted me when I was 8. " good morning princess" I coo at her scratching her head while she purrs loudly. She is much more vocal than Bagheera. He's probably still asleep. Rolling over I find Stefano missing.

He's usually gone when I get up. Stefano and I got this house a few months ago, and I absolutely love it. The main color scheme is black and gold. I love bright colors for art and stuff but as far as my home goes I love dark colors. Plus it's harder to see the animal hair.

      Jackson barks at the end of our bed, Since Stef is gone for long periods at a time he got Jackson , a big Great Dane, so I could be protected. While Bagheera and Beretta have bad attitudes at times they would do nothing to an intruder.Going down stairs to let Jackson out I find Begheera. Of course still sleeping with Nat's shirt. Sadly, it doesn't smell like her anymore; two years and  I still miss her. Seeing it always makes me remember when she told me she was leaving.

After having sex for a few hours we both relax in the tub. The day before I had met Stefano.

"If you could live anywhere, where would it be?" Nat said bringing me out of my thoughts about Stefano. I opened my eyes to see she's already looking at me.

"Um..." I thought. "Greece maybe? Nana always said it was beautiful and she taught me Greek so I'd be fine. What about you?" I asked her.

"the Bahamians....I leave in two weeks" the last part she said in a low tone but I heard her. what? Leave? Is this a trip or to live? The question was to live.

"W-What?" I stuttered, not sure if I want the answer. While Nat and I sleep together we aren't a couple but she's a good friend.

"With my brother in the stuff he is I don't want to bring anything down on you and I would feel more comfortable if he didn't know where I was. So I'm moving and changing my career. Please don't be mad Anna I love you I do but I just have to leave." As much as I don't want her to go, if it makes her feel better and she wants what she wants then of course I'm ok with it. I'll miss the hell out of her but she's gotta do what she's gotta do.

"Will we still talk?" I ask in a soft voice.

"No... not for a while at least." I put my head down. It's gonna kill me not talking to her. We don't see much of each other because of her modeling job but we always talk.

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