Chap. 13 - Girl talk - Annalise

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After another awkward silent car ride we returned back to the estate. I didn't get to see the beauty of it before, because I had passed out. Stefano and Tony had left as soon as we arrived; they apparently have a lot to do today. I don't want to know what a day in their lives holds.

"He'll be fine. He's been doing this since he was like 15." Nat says to try and ease my worry about Stef leaving. I know he's used to this life, but it still worries me.

"Well last time he came back with a stab wound." I tell her, recalling my panic. Now I see how I may have overreacted.

"Yeah well it couldn't have been that bad cause it didn't stop him from plowing into you last night." She casually says eating ice cream. I feel my cheeks heat up; if Nat heard that means Tony and god knows who else did. My brain scatters to find something else to talk about.

"How do you know that guy?" I question. They seemed to be irritated with one another. She gives me a weird look, and only then I realize I avoided calling him my brother. "Finnegan?" She nods confirming  that that's his name.

"Well back when my father was in charge; he and.." she pauses pondering on what to say. "Well your father decided to make an alliance through marriage. When Finnegan took over I was 16; he said he didn't want anything to do with Russia and called off the wedding." Damn. That's all I can think. Her parents were gonna marry her off at 16. Thank god Finny said no. I wonder if her parents knew she was a lesbian.

"So you were supposed to be my sister-in-law?" I chuckle at the irony, and so does Nat. "I guess I should talk to him to get to know him. On another note, how are you?" I ask gently. She's been avoiding Andreas' death since it happened yesterday.

"I'm fine." She says quickly avoiding eye contact. I know she's not and it won't help her to just ignore it.

"Nat." I say in a calm tone. She only replies with a huff; she realizes I won't let up. Nat just stares at her ice cream as she swirls it around with her spoon.

          After we've sat long enough in silence - so long her ice cream melts - I reach out for her hand to stop her from stirring. Searching her face for emotion I find nothing; one tear trickles down her cheek, but other than that she's just blank. I could never hide my emotions as well as them.  I never know what Stefano is thinking.

           Nat places her bowl down, and snuggles up next to me. With a deep breath she burrows her face in my neck; I just stroke her hair and wrap my arms around her. I know she's crying because I can feel her tears roll down her face and my neck. When she pulls back her eyes are red; she rubs her cheeks to remove the evidence of her tears.

"Thank you." Nat says quietly, glancing at the door to make sure no one comes in. From what I can tell none of them like to show emotion, well besides anger.

"Despite two years without you; your still my best friend. You don't have to thank me for anything." I tell her rubbing her shoulder.

"She was my neighbor; before we got the place you found me." She tells me. She has so much love in her voice. Despite Andrea being a backstabbing bitch. Smiling she continues, " When she asked me out she was so nervous; she kept stuttering, and her face was beat red." We laugh at her memory.

           She tells stories of her and Andrea. When they moved in together. All the fun they had at the beach and adventures. They seemed like the perfect happy couple. It reminded me a lot of Stefano and I; it gives me hope for a happy future too.

Tears brim her eyes again. "I just - I don't know how to feel. I loved her, but.." she pauses sniffling. "She was a trader. I should hate her." She gets up from the couch and starts pacing. Obviously frustrated with herself.

I've never been through this so I have no clue. The girl who kidnapped me, and the girl Nat talks about with so much love seem like two different people. "It's okay to have mixed feelings. Just try and think about them as two different people." I try to tell her

Nodding, she sits back down. "Okay. Enough about Andrea. Let's watch a movie." She says smiling

"Only the brave?"

"No, that movie always makes me cry." I whine. I love the movie but I always cry at the end when the fire kills them.

"That's the point you made me cry; I make you cry." She says scrolling their Netflix to find it. Ugh I miss the times we would watch 365 days.

        The theater door creeks, waking me. Nat it still curled up with me under the blanket; the movie is over and the suggested movies screen in on. Turning my head I see it was Stef that came in.

"Hey," he says, squatting down in front of me. " Why don't we go to bed?" He pushes a strain of hair out of my face. I love how affectionate he is; I sleepily smile, and lean into his hand. At the same time Nat scoots close, and nuzzles her head into my shoulder in her sleep. Looking down at her my stomach tightens. "You're not coming to bed with me are you?"

        I shake my head with a sad smile. I'd love to go to bed with him, but I can't leave Nat. It doesn't feel right. One she doesn't trust anyone here, and two she just lost someone close to her and I want to comfort her.

"I thought we worked out our problems." He says, sounding exhausted. He puts his head down in shame. He thinks I'm not going to bed because I'm still mad at him. Either that or all the shit Antonio talked made him think I'd choose Nat over him. While technically I am right now; I'm only staying with her as a friend. I softly smile and shake my head again.

"Baby, we did. I'm not choosing her over you." I tell him lifting his face by grabbing his chin. "But right now she doesn't trust you guys and she just lost someone close to her. I wanna make sure she's ok. She's still my friend." I explain and he lets out a deep breath. Grabbing my hand he kisses it.

"I don't deserve you baby." He says placing another kiss. "Why don't you two stay in our room?" I nod and he gently picks Nat up. I'm surprised she didn't wake up.

          She stirred when he placed her in bed, and I climbed in pulling her close again. After taking in a deep breath she mumbles, "love you Anna." And snuggles close.

"I love you too Nat." I quietly say. Stef gets ready to leave. 'I love you' isn't something I usually say if it's not said to me first. I prefer other acts to show love, but I feel like Stef hearing me tell Nat might bring back some worry. "I love you Stef." I tell him first, surprising him. Smiling, he comes to my side of the bed.

"I love you so much baby girl." He says kissing me. "Goodnight." He pulls the door shut and I close my eyes again. Despite doing basically nothing I'm exhausted.

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