Prologue - First love - Annalise

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The music blares, in my drunken daze. A few girls from work convinced me to come to the club. Dancing a blonde girl catches my attention. She's definitely model material. Her blonde hair falls down her red dress that outlines her curves. Damn, she's hot.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I ask seductively, walking up to her. Hopefully she'll catch on that I'm hitting on her, and if she doesn't like women I'll leave her alone.

"Ha, jokes on you I'm an alcoholic." She smiles looking down at my breasts. "Let's go to a lounge room." She says touching my hip. Lesbian.

         Trailing up to the lounge together we tell the bartender to send up a bottle of jack. My friends follow, but she doesn't seem to mind. Booze, and dancing fill our night.

"I'm Natasha by the way, you can call me Nat." She says sitting next to me on the couch. Her leg crosses over me, so I put my arm around her.

"I'm Annalise, everyone calls me Anna." I tell her. Talking, she tells me she's a model. Yup, got it right. She's tall, blonde and sexy. Perfect model. Claire takes a picture of Natasha and I on the lounge couch. Putting my attention back on Nat her lips forcibly meet mine. They taste like strawberries and booze.

"Let's get out of here." She says after breaking our kiss.

        We take an Uber to my apartment. Surprisingly she lives here too, but we go to my apartment. Walking in My cats Begheera and Beretta greet us. I got them years ago at a shelter. While Bagheera acts like an old man; Beretta is still as playful and energetic as the day I got her. Begheera takes a liking to Nat. He rubs on her legs, and meows until she picks him up.

"He really likes you." I tell her as she loves on him. I can hear him purr from here. The city lights shine through my studio apartment. She puts Begheera down and comes to me on the bed.

       Laying us down her soft lips caress my neck for a few moments until she bites a piece of the skin. That makes me moan in delight. Pushing her back I get on top, placing my left thigh between her legs.

      Slipping my tongue into her mouth she moans. Making out she grabs my leg grinding on it. Pulling off her dress I leave her in underwear. I start trailing kisses down her jaw and neck. Reaching her breasts I take my leg away from her pussy not wanting her to orgasm just by grinding on my leg.

"Oh come on" she whimpers at the loss of my leg. Which makes me chuckle while I take her hardened nipple in my mouth. Flicking my tongue over it she moans. "Anna"

        After spending a few minutes torturing her sucking and biting her breast, I lower down her stomach to the top of her panties and stop.

"Please Anna." She whispered, wanting me to make her release.

        I waste no time in taking off her underwear making her giggle. But once I'm between her legs I take my time. Gently sliding my finger down her slit. I watch her gasp at the tickling sensation. Her pussy glistening with her arousal. I spit on her clit not wanting to give her the pleasure of me rubbing her juices around. She wiggles around trying to get any type of friction to ease her sensitive bud.

" aww patients Baby" I say breathy so she can feel my breath on her pussy. My comment makes her whimper, so I decide to give her what she wants. I slide my tongue all the way up her slit making her moan. Sucking and licking all over her pussy her breath becomes uneven and short.

"Oh Fuck Anna!" She moans when my tongue finds the perfect spot on her clit. She grabs my head while grinding in my face. I hold her hips down with my arm and slip two fingers into her curling them making her arch her back as she screams.

"Oh God!" She moans "I'm gonna come....fuck!" Her walls clench around my fingers while she comes on them. After her release she falls back to the bed as she gasps for air. She moans as I slip my two fingers that were inside her into her mouth.

         Kissing her I taste her again. She rolls on top and puts her under my dress. I know I'm already wet. Her soft fingers connect with my clit making me moan into her mouth as she kisses me.

         She's careful not to make me orgasm. Edging me and edging me wanting me to beg but I won't. I lightly push her back, just enough to escape from under her. Reaching under the bed I grab two vibrators.

"Mm, toys." She says laying on her back. I stick one in her, setting the other to the side. Taking off my dress I watch as she plays with her clit. Getting back on the bed I lay on my back.

"Come on baby." I lightly tug on her leg. She sits on my face. I immediately lick up and down her slit while moving the vibrator in her. She moans like crazy. Cursing my name as she feels her release building. She grabs the other vibrator and fucks me with it while sucking on my clit.

"Oh fuck Nat!" I moan into her pussy while still eating her. "Just like that." We are both a moaning mess and come quickly. Switching positions we kiss again sitting up on the bed. Tasting ourselves while still playing with each other's cores making us come again. After a few minutes of making out recovering from our Orgasms, I push her back. Spreading her legs I put my core to hers. I rock my hips rubbing our pussies together.

"Fuck!Yes right there." She moans. Wet sounds and moans fill my apartment as we both come on each other. Collapsing on the bed we both take out our vibrators and just lay there recovering from yet another orgasm.

        After cleaning our selfs we get back into bed. She said she's too drunk and tired to go home now, but she only lives a few floors down. I don't mind her staying though.  Begheera lays at her head and she strokes him as her eyes get droopy.

"I think is is the start of a great friendship." She sleepily says. Yeah, I think it is too.

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