Chap.9 - Hidden family - Annalise

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I've been here a week, arguing with myself on whether or not to be okay with this. I've talked to Stefano a few times. Mainly him trying to convince me I am ok to go outside the room. I've seen Tony a few times, he just asks how I am. Honestly I don't know how I am. I don't even know what to say to his family. 'Oh hi I'm Stefano's girlfriend ,Anna, of two years that he never told you about.'

        I guess I just don't want to face them, so I've been cooped up in this room. Stefano brings me food and he brought stuff from the house so I could work on my art for my show in Italy in a month. Stefano and I still haven't slept in the same bed. I guess neither of us know where we stand.

"Hello Mrs.Jones, Mr.Ferrari had to leave for work. He asked me to bring you food." The maid Ilene says. She's very nice and polite. Although I never know who she means by 'Mr. Ferrari', Stefano or his father or his brothers, but I always assume it's Stefano. I tell her thank you and she leaves.

       Finishing my piece I take a shower and dress for the day. Maybe I should explore today and say hello to Stefano's family. I am in their home after all. Deciding to go out I dress respectfully. A tank top with jeans and a pair of light blue Timberlands. Not classy for meeting your boyfriend's parents but good enough.

      Going out of the room I turn right and just start walking. There's art on the walls and maids walking around. I haven't seen anyone that isn't a maid. I wonder if everyone else in the family goes to mafia stuff too. Going down a giant staircase I notice the front door. I have the urge to leave but I know I'm safer here than out there where Sergey can get me. A part of me also doesn't want to leave Stefano, even though I should be given his lifestyle.

       I haven't talked much to Stefano about Sergey. I just want them to get him so I can go back to living my life. Whether that be with or without Stef, I haven't decided.

       Stuck in my thoughts I don't notice I walked all the way to the living room. There's a large couch and a few chairs. It's bigger than the studio apartment I had before Stef and I got a house. Above the fireplace is a family portrait. The man I thought was Mr Frederick, but now know is Marco Ferrari, is sitting in a chair holding a woman's hand. I guess his wife.

        Standing behind him are a man and woman. The man was with Stefano at the house when I was attacked. He looks just like Marco so I assume it's Stefano's older brother. The woman looks like the mother in the chair so I guess that's Stefano's sister, she looks too young to be an aunt.

       To the right of Marco is Stefano. He looks like a teenager, I can still tell it's him though. To the older woman's left is the guy that came into the hospital two years ago. Stefano's little brother ,Antonio, a teenager as well. Sitting at the parents' feet are two little girls, twins.

"Damn that's a lot of kids." I say subconsciously under my breath.

"Yes it is. But I wouldn't have changed it for the world." I hear a woman say behind me, making me jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." Staring at her I look back at the portrait. She's the woman next to Marco. "I'm Stephanie, Stefano's mother." She says with a smile, holding out her hand. I shake it with a nervous smile.

"Hello. I'm Annalise." I introduce myself although they all probably know who I am. "Although you probably already know that."

"I'm sorry you got thrown into this. He does love you though. Very much." I know she's talking about the mafia and Stefano. " and I'm a little surprised you didn't try to run. The front door wasn't guarded." She says looking back at the door.

"Yeah well I figured I'm safer in here than out there. Considering I know nothing of the mafia or who tried to take me so." I say in ignorance. It frustrates me that I know nothing of this situation but at the same time, I don't want to know.

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