Chap. 12 - Forgotten Life - Annalise

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           Waking up I smile down at Stefano who's still sound asleep. Running my fingers through his hair I feel content yet I still long for home. I miss my babies but I know they are okay with Charlie.

Scooting off the bed I try not to wake him. I like waking up with him in bed. Before he was always gone when I woke up. I remember this apartment from when we first got together so I know where the bathroom is.

Running the water I wait for it to get hot while looking for a towel and wash rag. The bathroom is big and the stand up shower has a glass door. The hot water relaxes my muscles. Yesterday was hell. My body is still tense and on edge. Pushing the event in the back of my head I take a deep breath. Letting myself get lost in the warm water.

Focusing on the calming water I feel hands around my waist making me jump and gasp.

"Sorry baby girl I didn't mean to scare you." Stefano says in a gravelly morning voice. I let him under the water so I can wash my body. Watching Stef stand under the water I admire his toned body. I guess all his scars make more sense now. Mafia missions I would guess are harder than C.I.A. Thinking about all the James Bond jokes I use to make me chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Stef asks, turning around. His hair is soapy and he still has morning wood.

"I guess now I have to stop making bad James Bond jokes." I tell him what I was thinking. He always thought they were dumb funny but he thought they were cute.

"James Bond worked for the British secret intelligence service not the C.I.A" he laughed. "Now you can make bad godfather jokes." He says giving me a kiss. Just a peck turned into a passionate make out. Breaking the kiss we catch our breaths. He puts soap in my hair and scratches my head making me moan.

"Does that feel good?" He chuckles

I hum in response. Kissing me again he starts at my lips and trails down to my neck. My hands feel down his hard chest and abs reaching his hard morning wood. He moans when I start stroking him and grips my hair. Pumping faster he throws his head back. His breathing is getting heavier.

"I've been waiting a week to suck you off. So stand there and be a good boy." I smirk at him telling him my version of what he told me last night. Sweeping wet, kissing down his torso I get to his cock and lick the tip making him groan.

Spitting on his cock I lather it up. Still stroking him I dip my head down and give his balls attention. Licking, kissing and sucking each one he starts to pant.

"Fuck! Faster baby" he moans, wanting me to stroke him faster. Wanting to tease him I stop completely. He snaps his head down with a growl making me giggle. Taking him back in my hand I kiss his tip that's soaked in pre-cum. Not wasting anymore time I take half his shaft in my mouth while I continue to stroke the other half.

"Cazzo!" He curses in Italian throwing his head back. Once I know he's close I remove my hand and take all of him down my throat. Gagging a little I hum to stop the feeling of wanting to throw up. I fucking hate my gag reflex. But I know the vibrations feel good for him.

When he tells me he's about to come I take him out of my mouth so he can see his release on my tongue.

After our shower he left for his meeting. I didn't ask to go. Being around another mob boss makes me uneasy. I've come around to Stefano's family a little more. They still scare me but I trust them to not hurt me only because I'm with Stef. Tony and Stef are the only people I trust completely.

I'm still a little mad that Nat lied to me. It makes me not want to trust her but I guess she did it for the same reason Stefano did.

To keep me safe.

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