Chap. 15 - Shopping -Annalise

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         After waking up Stef and I took a shower. I felt a little bad for leaving Nat, but I knew she could handle herself to be around the guys. And I was right; after the shower I found her coming into the house. She told me she slept with a maid and had a great night. Despite being in the mafia she has a very friendly personality, and can get along with anyone if she wants to.

Now, Stephanie, the twins, Nat and I are on your way to some fashion store to get a dress for the ball. I'm still nervous about it, but I keep telling myself it'll be fine. It won't be like at the house where I was alone, or at Nat's where no one expected her girlfriend.

I'll be safe.

The twins have been talking nonstop. They are just as drama filled as Antonio.

"She's a whore." One tells the other. I have to find a way to tell them apart. I notice one has a septum piercing; now I just gotta find out if she's Sofia or Maria. "But I love it when she stirs up shit"

"Damn it Maria. You're the one that always lets her in aren't you. I knew it." Sofia says. So Maria has the septum. Good to know.

"Not all the time. Ant likes too as well." Maria tells her, taking half the blame. "She might be a whore but she's entertaining. Especially when she winds Stef up." How often does she come over? I wanted to ask but I didn't want to sound insecure.

"You guys letting her in is gonna piss someone off to the point that they" Sofia glances back at me and murmurs, "kill her." I appreciate the effort everyone makes to shield me from it.

Unfortunately, everyone trying to shield me from the horrors of mafia life just makes me feel more out of place. I'd rather get used to it considering I am from a mafia family. As well as being with Stefano, and I don't plan on leaving him. This is my life now and I have to get used to it.

Maria and Sofia continuously bicker on the way there. Nat and I just sit in silence listening to them. While Stephanie sits in the front with the driver.

I've come to find out Maria is the mischief maker; while Sofia is less wild, but still rebellious. I often wonder what it would be like to have siblings. Well to grow up with siblings and remember them. While finny talked fondly of me he didn't go into detail about what we would do as kids. I guess that's something our father wouldn't have allowed.

What would have happened if nana and papa took both of us? Maybe father would have actually looked for us. Given how finny talked about him I'm glad he never looked for me.

In mid-thought I felt someone tuck a stand of my hair behind my ear. "You seem deep in your head. Penny for your thoughts?" Stephanie's voice beams with a motherly tone. Her smile is light but true. I can't imagine someone like her being in the mafia.

"Um. I was just thinking about my nana and papa. Is it wrong for me to still miss them? Even though they were my kidnappers." I ask her. Tears threaten to trail out of my eyes. I miss them; I think I still love them. They cared for me and seemed to love me.

"Nothing you feel is wrong sweetheart."she says, placing a hand on my knee. "If you love them you love them. Yes they took you from your father but in hindsight they saved you from his abuse. Which is why I think they took you in the first place. To save you."

Her words gave me comfort. At least I know I'm not crazy for loving them. Papa never hit me, never raised his voice; even when I was a rebellious teenager. Which is now surprising because he was a mafia guard. I wouldn't think gentle is something they could be.

"So I don't have Stockholms syndrome?" I ask, chuckling. Technically they were my captures and I bonded with them. By definition it's Stockholms syndrome.

"Oh sweetheart Stockholm's syndrome isn't as bad as people make it to be. Technically I got it but I love my life and it's better than it was before that's for sure." She laughs and looks like she trails off into a memory. I just sit there shocked for a few moments then question her.

While the twins try on dresses Nat and I listen to Stephanie's love story with Marco. She tells us how she used to live on the streets. To my surprise she said they met at an underground fight. Her fight. I tried to picture her as a fighter and I couldn't. She seemed too gentle. Anyway at the fight she saw something she shouldn't have, so Marco had to take her.

"Well that explains your girls." Nat comments looking at the twins fighting yet again. All three of us laughed.

"Bianca is the most like me. Her fury is even worse than Enzos." Stephanie tells us. Questioning where she is, Sofia replays.

"She's at the hospital visiting Chris. Her and Alexa should be here soon." Not wanting to pry I don't question who Chris is or if this Alexa was the one Tony is with.

"Chris is Bianca's boyfriend. Sergey's men attacked him like syd but he was able to kill them. Unfortunately He's in a coma from his injuries." Stephanie informs me knowing I don't know who he is. "And Tony said he talked to you about Alexa." She questions.

Excitement jolts through me at the thought of finally meeting her. Even though the thought of Bianca waiting for Chris to wake up was saddening. I hope he wakes up soon.

Once the twins had chosen their dresses it was mine and Nat's turn. Sofia's dress was a pastel pink off the shoulder princess dress; while Maria's was deep red with a long slit up the side. Both the girls looked elegant and beautiful in their dresses.

"You'd look good in emerald green." Sofia tells me. I'm not picky when it comes to clothes so I chose an emerald green dress with two slits to show off my tattoos on my thighs.

Nat was the one that couldn't make up her mind. First she had a red dress, then a black one. While she was trying on dresses a woman walks in. She greets Stephanie and I assume it's Alexa.

"You must be Anna." She says smiling. I nod my head and stick out my hand. To my surprise she takes it and pulls me in for a hug. "Tony talks about you a lot. Stef really loves you." The comment makes me blush.

Finally Nat picks the black one. And Stephanie gives the cashier her card. I was about to give her mine to pay for mine but she said no. She'd considered me a daughter and I didn't have to pay for anything. How can someone consider their sons girlfriend their daughter only after a short time of knowing them?

Going to walk out of the shop Stephanie stops and looks around. Her face drops, then I hear something drop to the floor. Turning I find the cashier is on the floor...... with a hole in her head. I feel the color drain from my face and my knees quake. A few guys come out and grab us. Alexa screams and thrashes in a big olive skinned guy's arms.

Another holds a gun to Stephane's and Nat's heads. Nat looks pissed as they both hold their hands up. Then I feel arms wrap around me making me gasp.

He picks me up and takes me down the hall. I thrash in his arms. Feeling a sharp pain in my thigh I Yelp. When he throws me on the ground I kick him in the balls. As he keels over I flatten my hand and slap both my palms over his ears. He screams in pain and that's how I know I popped his ear drums.

Running away I find myself back with the girls. Everyone looks my way and that gives Nat time to take one of the guys' guns away. Stephanie roundhouse kicks him. When the other guy points his gun at her she pushes it to the left before he can pull the trigger.

With her right hand on the gun she pushes left while she uses her left and to pull his arm right. His grip loosens and he drops the gun. With her left hand still on his wrist she turns her back to him and uses her body weight to flip him over and break his arm. I stand there in amazement. 'Now I see the fighter.' I think as she kicks him in the face knocking him out and calls Marco to get someone out her to clean the guys up.

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