Chap. 18 - Protecting her - Stefano

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Even after knowing her location my heart still feels like it's going to come out of my chest. My cold exterior holds a show for everyone else. My bloody hand grips my gun. I got physical with the man at the airport who didn't want us to follow Sergey's car. I chuckle remembering how scared he was. This is the side of me I never want Anna to see, or even know about. I'd never take my anger out on her.

We followed Sergey's men to an abandoned building. And now we wait for what few soldiers we have to get into position so we can ambush them. My hands sweat in anticipation; she could be getting hurt right now and we're just standing here.

"She'll be fine lover boy." Natasha says beside me. We all paired up to cover more ground and find Anna faster. "We'll get her." I can see the longing in her eyes. She still loves Anna; although I can't tell if it's friendship or if it's romantic.

The sound of shooting informs us it's go time. Natasha and I run in one of the back doors to find one bastard in the hallway. He raises his gun to shoot at us, but we are too fast. I aim for his head and Natasha shoots him in his chest. One shot would have killed him but we're both too proud to let the other one do the work. His body hits the ground, and we stroll by it continuing down the hallway.

Coming to a three way junction in the hallway Natasha and I set out backs to opposite walls. Glancing at her she mouths 'one, two, three' and on three I take the left and she takes the right. My side has three men, - I assume Natasha's side has people too because she starts to shoot - only one man has a gun.

I lift my gun and shoot him in the head. His body falls fast as the other two come for me. Before I can pull the trigger the first man knocks the gun out of my hand. His other hand flys to my face, hitting me in the jaw. Blood pools in my mouth as I stumble to the side. He tries to hit me again but I draw my knife and repeatedly stab him in the gut. His warm blood coats my clothes. My rage takes hold of me, and doesn't allow me to stop until the other man rushes me, tackling me to the ground.

"Ahh!" I yell when his knife gashes my arm. I grab his wrist with the knife in it and head butt him. The crunch of his nose breaking is satisfying. He flips to the side holding his nose. Rolling over I grab my gun and shoot him. Only to look up and see a man, twice Natashas size, coming for her. Shooting him she glares at me.

"That was my kill lover boy." She snarls at me. I know her pride is a little hurt, but I was only helping. I won't be a dick about it and rub it in. Stomping away I run after her.

"We're supposed to stay together." I tell her. Mainly to annoy her. Although I always did prefer the buddy system on missions. It made me more comfortable; especially after getting with Anna. I know it's a greater chance I'll come home to her.

"Oh please. You think Finnegan will stay with Antonio?," it's a rhetorical question. I can tell by her tone. "He'd drop your brother so fast to save his own skin."

"Why do you hate him so much?" She's done nothing, but ignore and glare at him. I don't expect her to like him but to at least treat him like she does us. He is her best friend's brother after all.

Turning down another hallway we see no one. A few gunshots alert us, but they seem far away. We peek into different rooms trying to find Anna. After searching dozens of rooms I get more anxious. It's only been ten minutes, but this building isn't that big. We should have found her.

"He's just a dick. And not the normal mafia dick like you and your family. All he wants to do is save his own skin." She finally answers my question. I don't take offense to her comment; her tone seemed to lighten when she insulted us. Compared to when she talked about Finnegan.

Stepping into another room we're faced with three men. Pulling my trigger to shoot one of my gun jams. Fuck. I drop it and pull out my knife as one man comes for me. I jab at him, and then swipe my blade across his cheek. His kick to my stomach pushes me into the wall. Pain shoots through the back of my head. I see his fist coming for my face. I quickly dodge it; making him punch the wall, and I stab him in his stomach.

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