Chap. 11 - Forgivness - Stefano/Annalise

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"ANNA" I yell for her tying to see. Walking I trip over someone, and they groan. Squinting I see its Natasha. They must have hit her, probably to make it seem she wasn't a part of it. how else would they know we were here? "You bitch. where'd they take her?" I yell at her pinning her to the wall.

"how the hell should I know? you're the one that got her wrapped up in this." she yells back. She's not wrong. I'm about to yell back when Dad comes back in the room. Where did they all go?

"Stop bickering!" He tells both of us. "Tony and Enzo are following the car they took Anna in. let's go!" he storms back out and I follow close behind. I fail to calm myself. Fear and anger course through me. Stealing a car dad and I track Enzo's phone to follow them when we hear the back door close. We both snap our heads back to see Natasha sitting in the back seat.

"I'm not leaving her safety to you fuckers so don't just stare. Let's go!" she snaps at us. I would argue but we don't have time. Zooming down the streets we follow Enzo and Tony until they stop. Panic sets in thinking about why they would have stopped. We drive to them and find them next to an unknown empty car in the woods. Enzo approaches our car.

"They ditched the car. We already checked a map to see if we can find any nearby building for them to run to. There's a cabin about a mile that way." he points east through the woods. "and a warehouse half a mile that way, '' he points west. "wanna split up and search both? Your girlfriend your call." I nod and we split into two groups. Natasha, Tony and I take the mile away cabin and dad and Enzo take the warehouse.

"God damn it's hot." Tony complains once again pulling off his shirt. Natasha and I tell him to 'shut the fuck up' at the same time. Tony seems amused. "So a little birdy told us you and Anna used to... ya know." He tries to make conversation.

"really you wanna talk about this?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. Natasha sees how annoyed I am and continues smirking at me.

"Yes we did." She looks at me and says "A lot." and laughs. Fucking bitch. If she were a man I would have decked her by now. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I have to focus on just getting Anna back. We'll deal with this bitch later.

The rest one the walk was in silence. Once the house came into view we saw a man out front standing guard. I pull out my phone and text Enzo so they know we have the right place. He replies with a picture of many, many iguanas in the warehouse. I turn to tell Tony and Natasha what's going to happen when I see Natasha is gone. Tony points back to the man where he stands now talking to Natasha. That trader bitch. I lift the gun to shoot them both when Natasha pulls out a knife and stabs him in his throat. She turns to use and motions us to come on. I still don't like her.

Busting in through the door I see Anna tied to a chair. She looks okay, over all, a busted lip and braise on her cheek. The woman behind her holds a knife to her throat. Just like Natasha did to the man outside.

"Andrea?" Natasha asks the woman. She honestly seems shocked to see her. Raising her gun she says "Let her go. Girlfriend or not I'll shoot you." Just like us she masks her emotions well.

"Sorry babe, boss says he wants her. and now that Sergey knows you're a trader he's gonna kill you too." Andrea says with a smile while they are distracted I make eye contact with Anna. For what's happened she's holding up pretty well. I see Andreas' hand getting closer to Anna as she converses with Natasha about how Sergey hired her to be Natasha's girlfriend so he could keep an eye on her. I mouth to Anna 'bite her' Andrea's hand is right there and Anna couldn't do anything else. She has no training. At first she looks confused but then she gets it. Taking a deep breath she bites Andrea until blood drips from her mouth. Andrea screams and drops the knife, Tony shoots her in the head before she can grab it again.

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