Chap. 14 - Brother - Annalise

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          "Anna." I hear Nat whisper. Peaking my eyes open I see her close to my face. God she's like a two year old. I think, chuckling.

"What Nat?" I say stretching.

"I don't know what these Italian bastards are cooking down stairs, but it smells good; get the hell up." She continues to whisper and leaps off the bed.

"Why are you whispering?" I ask following her out of bed. I don't know when she got up, but it's been long enough for her to get a shower because her hair is wet. I remember she didn't pack any luggage when I see her in a towel. "You can wear some of my clothes." I tell her going to the closet.

After we both get dressed in basic jeans and a tank we head downstairs for breakfast. Nat admires all the paintings and decor like I did when I first walked around. Walking into the dinning room we only see three maids setting up the table.

"Good morning Mrs.Jones." Ilene says politely. She's always so nice. She reminds me a lot of nana; even more so now that I know nana was a maid too. Her smile quickly falls when her eyes focus on something behind me and Nat. Turning I see Finnegan.

"Her name is Callas." He says in a stern tone just like Enzo. Bossy fuckers. I roll my eyes and sit. Ilene tells us the variety of breakfast choices. Nat and I chose a biscotti; while Finny just gets coffee.

"Athena." Finny says to get my attention. That name has been rolling around in my head since yesterday. The mention of the name sets a fire. It's a reminder that I'm not who I thought I was.

"Anna." I say back clarifying what I want to be called. He frowns and nods. He opens his mouth to say something else, but the guys walk in. They were talking in the hallway but then stop once they enter the dining room. Stef immediately comes to me and drops in the chair next to me.

"Natasha," Enzo grabs everyone's attention sitting at the head of the table. "Today we will sit down and discuss everything you know. Mr.Callas has already provided resources and the information he knows." Nat just nods her head and continues to eat; I thought she would have fought him.

The rest of breakfast went by fast. Bianca, Stephanie, Sydney and the twins came in and made most of the conversation. Tony and Antonio were the usual goofballs and finny sat watching everyone. After, Nat, the guys and Bianca went to Enzo's office. The twins left and Sydney and Stephanie went somewhere else.

With everything going on I decide to have a drink. Going to the living room I pour some liquor and sit on the couch. The sound of footsteps brings me out of thought. Turning my head I find finny walking through the doorway.

"Hello." He says softly. I appreciate everyone being so kind but at the same time I feel like a poor little puppy they don't want to scare; it's kind of annoying. "I thought we could talk." He suggests shrugging his shoulders. I nod my head and he sits on the opposite side of the couch.

I want to know everything but at the same time I don't. Knowing who my parents were, what they did, who I am; would just make everything so much more real. If I don't know anything I can still pretend I'm Anna, pretend nana and papa were just a loving couple who adopted me but I can't take away the fact that I already know some; it'll kill me if I don't find out more.

"You look just like mom." Finny says breaking the silence. Nana immediately popped into my head. For 19 years she was my mother figure. The woman I went to when I had a crush or when I needed help. She cherished me like I was her actual child; they both did. Now I know they were my kidnappers, not my parents. The thought of them stealing me hurts my chest. Despite not knowing who they really were I still miss them.

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