Chap. 20 - Brtrayal - Annalise/Fin

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Annalise POV

          I miss Nat so much. It's not like when she lived in the Bahamas; at least then I could think about her living happy. In reality she's in the ground. We put her with nana and papa last week. I cried the whole day, but I felt better. I've still spent most the days in my studio working.

"Baby?" I hear Stefano yell coming into the Italian gala. Thankfully I finished all my work before the show, and Syd wants to have Cleo born in Italy like the rest of the family.

The whole family came out to Italy for my show and Cleo; even Nadia is here, but I think it's mainly because she likes Ant. She deserves happiness and if she finds that in Ant than more power to her. After her family sold her to Sergey to pay off a debt, and my biological father raping her; she deserves all the happiness in the world.

"Over here," I yell to him. His footsteps are loud in the empty gala. "Does this look crooked?" His steps stop right behind me, and his arms wrap around me. His hands are always warm and feel good in my exposed belly in this cold ass gallery.

"It looks perfect." He kisses my neck probably not even looking at the painting. I giggle, leaning my head back on his shoulder. Since I apologized we've spent more time together. We've talked more and Have been spending more time with the family. I know he blames himself for Nat, and I keep telling him it's not his fault.

"You didn't even look at it." I say turning around, wrapping my arms around his neck. "How was work?" Honestly, after seeing him lay into Emily I was a little freaked out. His anger scared me, but I know he'd never do something like that to me; after her comment about me being taken again I even wanted to beat her. She caused a lot of hurt and it got her dead.

           He doesn't bother answering; he gives me a cheep smile, and kisses me on the lips. His lips are soft and taste like strawberries from his chapstick. To deepen the kiss he picks me up; I instantly wrap my legs around his waist. My fingers tangle in his hair, and I tug on it making him groan. He nibbles my lip as repercussion when someone clears their throat behind him.

"You're lucky it was me and not Ant cause he woulda just watched." Bianca says crossing her arms. I chuckle and Stef sets me down. I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Stef seems unaffected by his sister finding us making out. Rubbing my swollen lip I turn back to the painting to straighten it. "Anna, it's fine. You guys should go back to the palace. At least there you have a bed room to fool around in." She laughs and turning out the door. Stefano's uncle oversees the Italy region of their business, and his place is like a modern castle. It's crazy how much money they have, but they aren't snobby rich people.

"I'm gonna grab my stuff; meet me in the car?" Stef nods as I walk to the office.

          This feels normal. I may not have been back to the hospital - and honestly don't think I will be. Not after killing two people, it doesn't feel right - but Stef and I are back to normal, and life just feels great. Despite Nat being gone this is probably the most happy I've ever been.


The sound of a gunshot makes me jump. My phone and keys fall to the floor. What the fuck was that? I call to Stef only to hear another shot and a hard thump. Someone got shot. God, please don't let it be Stef. I think, running out of the office to the gallery. Only to find Stefano on the ground with a shit ton of blood around him. Tears fall uncontrollably as I run to him.

"Stefano!" I apply pressure to his wounds. One is his right shoulder, and the other in his stomach. I can't call emergency services; I don't know any Italian to talk to them it would only waste time. Bianca, she might still be here. "Bianca!!" I scream hoping she'll hear me. Although if she didn't hear the shots she probably won't hear me. He can't die. He can't.

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