Chap. 4 - Enemy Territory - Stefano

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       I slept most of the flight to Russia. I spent most the night watching Anna on the cameras. I know it makes me sound like a stalker, but it makes me feel better seeing her. Once we arrive in Russia we go right to the warehouse. We have to be extra careful here. Being in enemy territory can be very dangerous. We have a handful of men always here at the warehouse keeping an eye on things.

"From the intel we have, Sergey's operation should be held up here" Enzo says pointing to a map. It's wooded enough we can blow shit up and send a message. Getting everything ready we load up with guns and knives ready to fight. Antonio loads the explosives and it's his only job to set them and then detonate them. The rest of us are set on killing the guys so Ant can place them inside.

"Stef and Tony you guys take team A and go through the east. Dad and I will go west with team B. Ant will take team C north. Snipers set up facing the south side and pick off anyone who tries to come out. Got it?" Enzo orders through the walkie on our ride there.

"Yes Capo '' we all say in unison. Even though he's my brother when we are on missions I address him as Capo or boss. Even when my father was still the leader we only addressed him as such on missions.

       Leading A team, Tony and I go east. I hold the group to pick off the one guard outside the door. Sneaking up behind him I notice he's just watching porn on his phone. I roll my eyes at his stupidity. Watching porn is fine but not while you're working. Snapping his neck he falls silent. I signal the team to come out of the woods.

" Was he really just watching porn?" Tony asks in an annoyed tone. Making me roll my eyes again. Cracking open the door into a hallway I see no one. Not even cameras. I open the door more and walk in, Tony and the rest of the team follow. Signaling them to start checking the doors we hear guns go off. Guess quiet times are over.

"Check every room." I tell the men behind me in which they nod their heads. Tony and I head down the hall where there are big double doors.

"Anna's worried I cheat on her when we get into fights." I regretfully tell Tony. He's my best friend and the closest thing I'll come to getting good advice.

"You could at least tell her you're going to the gym." If I tried when we were fighting she would have just ignored me. "She's too good a woman to lose. I know you're not cheating so make sure she knows that." His serious side is a lot more helpful than his goofball side. "And if she leaves you I don't get anymore good food. I'll starve to death, so fix it." There it is. I roll my eyes and decide to tell Anna I go to the gym. I'll even take her to the gym and show her the cameras if she needs proof.

Standing in front of the door we hear grunts and crying. Tony kicks the door open and we see two of Sergey's men fucking a women who looks barley of age. She's on all fours crying.

We kill and torture but when dad was boss he put a stop to our sex trade. We have whore houses and escorts but all the people there are of age and there willingly. We also take good care of them, if a client gets too rough or does something bad to the worker we beat them or even kill them.

"что за хрень?" ( what the fuck?) one of them says. We waste no time in shooting them both. The girl scoots away from us no doubt afraid we will kill her.

"Do you speak English?" I ask hoping she will. I could never grasp Russian. I speak English, Italian, Spanish, and French but not Russian. She nods still crying. "Good. We aren't going to hurt you but we need you to come with us. Okay?" I tell her. When we find women or kids like this we usually tell them to never mention us and give them to the police. That way we stay a secret but they get somewhere safe.

Walking back out we turn left down another hall. Our men are already done with the other rooms. Still hearing gun fire we stay alert clearing this hallway. In this one we find two more girls being assaulted. Killing the men we take them.

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