Chap. 3 - Mafia life - Stefano

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      I knew she was awake. She was fake sleeping because she didn't want to argue or show that she was worried. After leaving last night I called Tony to meet me at the gym like I do every time we fight. I'd love to let her meet my family, but the fear of her getting taken scares me more than anything.

Getting out of bed before I leave to go to the estate I write her a note. 'I love you. Be back in a few days.' I know she worries about me when I leave, so I try to make it sound like no big deal. I always make sure to tell her I love her, and I know if anything happens to me Tony will tell her. After kissing her one more time and saying goodbye to the animals I leave. Begheera is always laying with a shirt. All Anna says is that she was a friend that left and Begheera had loved her. I know Anna is bisexual, and probably slept with the woman, so I unconsciously get jealous.

       Pulling up to the estate I get out and hand the keys to our valet. Walking through the door I notice my two twin little sisters fighting. Maria and Sofia are 20 now. They both take college courses and have been training for mafia life since they were 12 like all of us. Even though they still fight like toddlers.

"I know you took it!! Give it back bitch!!" Maria yells at Sofia.

"I didn't take shit. It's not my fault you can't keep your clothes in the right place. You probably left it at a guy's house." Sofia says sassily. God I love them but damn they are annoying. Most big brothers would be all 'boys house? Hell no she can't just sleep around and date guys she is only 20' but I know she can handle herself and if she needs help I know she'll come to us. That goes for Sofia too. We were all trained to fight from the age of 12.

I know not to get between the girls when they are fighting. Tony did it once and they both kneed him in the balls. The only one that can top them is Bianca. Bianca is the second oldest and my only big sister. She's even more sassy and deadly than the twins. Walking past them I spot Tony and Ant talking.

"Dude where the hell were you?" Ant asks

"None of your goddamn business Antonio." I snarl him. Tony has a knowing look on his face, he wants to ask me about what happened last night but won't until we're alone. He only found out about Anna because he was ease dropping on a call. Of course being my best friend he knew something was up before that.

"Nice of you to join us son. What kept you?" I was writing the love of my life a note to make sure she knows I love her. Of course I don't say that. Before I can come up with an excuse Antonio jumps in.

"Probably out fucking Emily." Ant says, smirking. Unsurprisingly, Ant is the only one that hasn't noticed how I've been rejecting Emily since I met Anna. "Am I right?" He wiggles his eyebrows. He's even more annoying than the twins. I roll my eyes at him. Antonio's childish comment annoys my father and he leaves.

Tony and I go up to my room. I find it easier to go over mission details away from my siblings bickering. Tony usually works the docks, but Enzo allows us to work together every once in a while. It's my job today to go over the floor plans and everyone's advantage points for the mission.

"You gonna tell me what last nights midnight workout was about?" Tony sits at the table across from me.

"She brought up meeting the family when we go to Italy for her show." I know he'll side with her. He always does despite being my best friend. "It's not that I don't want all of them to meet I just-"

"Just don't want enemies like Sergei to find out about her, and her end up like Syd." He cuts me off with the truth. It's not like I lie about why I don't want her here. "It's a valid excuse, but she has to meet then eventually. I mean what about in 15 years and all your other siblings are married? Your moms gonna wonder why you aren't." He has a point. Enzo already gives me curious looks when we go to strip clubs for meetings and I don't take a woman to a Champaign room. I use to fuck a girl at every event in the bathroom, but since meeting Anna I haven't.

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