Chap. 10 - Hello old friend - Annalise

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Waking up I feel really warm and comfy. I really don't wanna get up but I need to work on more pieces for my show. I don't even know if I'm going to have it still. What if this Sergey thing takes longer than that and I can't go.

Trying to get up I notice why I was so warm. There's someone in bed with me and as soon as I smell his intoxicating scent I know it's Stefano. Him being with me is probably why I didn't have a nightmare last night. I've missed him but I'm still battling with myself on if I should stay. I want to but I don't know if I can handle this mafia shit.

I sneak out of his grasp and go to the bathroom. The pain in my hand  isn't bad so I don't take any meds but I still change the bandage and clean the wound. Going back into the room I see Stef snuggled with my pillow. I never wake up before him so I don't see him sleep often. He looks so peaceful, and definitely less stressed. Some of his stress I feel responsible for. His worrying about me isn't helping him and I can't help but feel bad.

Admiring his well muscled body I notice a bandage on his abdomen. Panic and anger fills me even though I see his wound is taken care of.

"What the fuck happened!" I ask waking him up by flipping him over on his back. "Are you okay? What happened? Who did it?" I question eager to know why he has a bandage on his stomach.

"Baby I'm okay. Calm down. It's just a scratch." He tries to explain while I take his bandage off to examine his cut. He has five stitches in what looks like a knife cut.

"A scratch doesn't require stitches Stef." After seeing the cut isn't that bad i see  I may have overreacted and anger tops my panic. "Now that I know everything was a lie. You can tell me about how you get this shit." I point to his cut in anger remembering all the times he came home beaten up and not being "allowed" to tell me.

"Everything wasn't a lie baby." He says getting up as I back away from him. He goes to say more but I cut him off.

"Than I wanna know all about it." I say holding up my hand at him. "I will not be in the dark and blind sided like at the house." He seems hesitant but I'm not gonna hear it. As much as it scares him I can't just sit here forever. If I can help then I will but in order to do that I need to know things.

"Baby.." I cut him off

"No. Whatever you know I want to know. I may not be able to help but at least I can try To be useful" I explain in a serious tone. He just nods and says okay in defeat. We lay back down because it's only 3 am and for the first time in a week I sleep well.

        I wake up again when I hear Stef come out of the shower. Looking at the time again I see it's 7 am. 'Four hours of good sleep' I think while stretching. Stef comes out of the bathroom in a low hanging towel. It's been a week and to say I didn't want to jump him would be a lie.

"We are having a little meeting at 8. Enzo said you are more than welcome to join us." He says going into his closet to get clothes. I thank him and go to the bathroom to get ready.

        Knocking on Enzo's office door I straighten my t-shirt. I don't have any "nice" clothes here. I feel a little underdressed for a meeting but I guess it isn't formal if he said I could come. Tony opens the door and gives me a smile. Enzo sits in his big chair with Marco and Bianca on either side of him while Stef and Antonio stand against the wall. I stay next to Tony unsure of where to go.

"Like I was saying the prisoner didn't say anything when I.." Bianca paused, glancing at me. "Um questioned him. We have no clue where Sergey's base is." I know what "questioned" means. When you want answers and someone doesn't talk,you make them. Well they make them.

"We found his parents dead in the warehouse we raided a few months ago," Antonio says, laying three pictures down. Two of them are flipped over. I guess that's of them dead and the one flipped up is of a man and woman. The man looks familiar, but I don't know where. Studying the man I block out what they are talking about. Until they put another picture down.

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