Chap. 8 - Coping - Annalise/Stefano

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Running down the hall the man grabs me from behind, I scream for Stefano hoping he would come and save me. The man turns me around in his hold. My eyes widen at the realization that it is Stefano. He's all bloody and a trail of bodies are behind him. Did he kill them?

He stares at me with cold eyes. He's not the Stefano I know and love. He's not my Stefano. He's a monster. I try to get out of his hold but he just laughs and pulls a gun out.

"Baby why are you doing this?" I cry

"Why am I doing this?" He laughed " you weren't supposed to know. You were just a side piece I didn't want in the way of work but now." He sighed "now I guess I gotta kill you. It was nice fucking."

Turning to run away I hear the gun go off, I close my eyes but I feel nothing. Opening them I no longer see Stefano but the dead man on the floor that Charlie shot. My hands meet my mouth to cover my scream, only for me to see the gun is in my hands. I shot him. I killed him.

My attention is pulled to a door opening. Hearing shuffling I slowly back away only to hear another door open behind me. Someone grabs me, making me scream.

Jolting up from a strange bed I take a few deep breaths calming myself from my nightmare. Sweat covers my body and the sheets while tears soak my cheeks. When the door opens I jump up not knowing who it is.

"Oh I'm sorry Mrs. Jones," a middle aged woman says walking in with some clothes. "Mr.Ferrari wanted me to bring you these" she puts them on the bed and goes to walk out

"Wait" I say, making her turn around. "I don't want to be here, where the exit is." Her polite smile turns to a frown.

"I'm sorry. Mr.Ferrari said not to let you out of the room. But if you need anything else I can get you it. Food, water, maybe some books." She suggests wanting to help.

"So what I'm a fucking prisoner." I grit through my teeth. How dare he just lock me in here.

"No you're not. You're here for your own protection." I hear Stefano say walking in the door. "Get out" he comments to the woman in a maid outfit, making her scurry out. His cold demeanor changes to my sweet Stefano's. "How are you feeling?"

"How am I feeling?" I whisper while laughing. "How the fuck do you think I'm feeling. The Mafia? Really?!" I yell at him. He tries to come closer but I stop him. "Oh hell no. Stay away from me." I tell him in disgust. I may like to read dark shit, but the mafia is a different story. They probably torture and rape people.

"Baby I'm still me." He tries to reason.

"No you're not." He looks hurt by that. "My Stefano would have never demanded that woman to get out. My Stefano wouldn't have just walked past dead bodies like it was nothing. You are not my Stefano. I don't know you." I'm on the brim of tears but I hold them back. "Let me leave. Please" I beg.

"No, Sergey is still out there and it's safest for you here. I understand if you hate me but you're not leaving. I love you too much for that."

"If you loved me you would have told me about all of this and given me a choice to stay or leave before we got a fucking home together. Before we had real feelings for each other. I was safe before you came into my life. I'm leaving" I state, pushing past him. He grabs my arm and I whence in pain.

"If you don't want to be together because of this fine. I understand. But I love you more than anything and I won't let you get hurt. Your staying and that's final." He yells at me and I just stare in shock. In the two years we've been together he's never yelled at me like this. Yeah we've had fights and voices were raised but not like this. He was hurt and angry.

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