Chap. 19 - Grief - Stefano

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Sitting next to Anna while she sleeps is the most comfort I've had in two days. The doctor stitched her up and set her wrist. She has a concussion, but we couldn't keep her awake. Now I'm just waiting for her to wake up. The doctor said she'd be fine in a few hours.

         A bright flash of lighting lights up the room. The boom of thunder wakes Anna. She jolts up and grabs her head. I rush to lay her back down. Jackson perks his head up to check on her.

"Baby, baby, it's okay. Lay back down." She groans laying down. She touch's her head with her casted hand. Feeling the cast she opens her eyes curiously; after examining her wrist she looks at me.

"What? Whe-" she looks around seeing our room and Jackson. "Home?," Her eyes brim with tears. "What happened?" She asks taking in everything.

         I explain her gunshot wound and her wrist- she only has to wear a cast for a few weeks- as well as her concussion. The fact that she has these injuries makes my blood boil. She shouldn't have been there, and Nat should be here.

"I half expected Nat to be right next to me." She laughs only to whence at her head. "Where is she anyway? And where's Nadia?" Fuck. I sigh, putting my head down in shame. I should have saved her. "Stef?" She looks at me with curiosity.

"Nadia is at the estate. She's safe." I tell her to avoid telling her about Nat. I know she'll be crushed. The sound of the gun shots still rings in my head. Like a never ending guilt trip. I've been around death my entire life; yet Nat's is bothering me the most.

"Is Nat safe?" Tears cloud her eyes until a few drip down her cheek.

"No," I answer quietly, Anna let out a shaky breath. "Someone shot at me; I don't know who, and Nat got in the way. I don't know why she chose to do it but," she covers her mouth to hold in a sob. I look back down unable to look at how heart broken she is. My heart strains in my chest. "She saved me Anna." Her sobs become louder; I sit on the bed and embrace her.

          My eyes start to burn. Blinking to ease the pain, something rolls down my cheek. What the? Touching my cheek I feel....wetness? I've killed, tortured, done so many bad things; yet Nat's death hits me the hardest. Or......Anna's reaction to Nat's death. Seeing her crumble like this is the hardest thing I've ever endured. Wiping it away and focusing back on consoling Anna.

I let her cry until she couldn't anymore. I fear she might fall asleep again so I get up and offer to make her food.

I help her down stairs and settle her on the couch. Seeing Bagheera makes her start crying again. Once again my chest hurts; I focus on making her something to eat. Her crying hurts just as much as her screaming in pain. I know I can do nothing but comfort her. I can't bring Nat back; I can't take her pain away. When I get back to the living room I hear her studio door shut. The animals are left in the living room staring at me.

"I don't know what to do." I tell them, taking a bite of the sandwich. I guess she isn't hungry.


             Walking into the estate I inwardly roll my eyes as I find the twins arguing again. I left Anna with Charlie. Well more like I just asked Charlie to watch the animals. Anna hasn't left her studio for a whole day. I can hear her cry sometimes; I just sit outside her door. I don't want to invade her privacy, but I hate the idea of leaving her alone.

"Hey man, how's Anna?" Tony asks, walking out of the kitchen.

"Physically she'll be okay. She hasn't come out of her studio since I told her about Nat." I answer rubbing my head. I haven't gotten any sleep. No doubt I have bags under my eyes.

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