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After that extremely depressing visit, I have made a promise to be a better wife/mother. I know I can do it I just need a reason to do it.  And I found it. Willow, the baby, Peeta, and me, that's my reason.

A few days later Haymitch told Peeta and I to swing by his place at noon, unfortunately willow is at school, so she won't be able to see what Haymitch has been dying to show us. So at noon we walk in and see Haymitch.


"Ahh.. So nice to see you two."

"Hmm... Haymitch being nice..." I say.

"Nice to see you to sweetheart." He says back.

Just then the back door opens,"Effie?!" Peeta and I say at the same time.

"Katniss Peeta!" She exclaims," So nice to see you, again." She walk to hug us but I was so transfixed by her cotton candy pink hair, to notice her stomach. Her stomach is huge compared to her thin frame. But Peeta and I still hug it her.

"So when did this happen?" Peeta asks.

"Almost 9 months ago." Haymitch speaks up. "And we would like to ask you two a question. "

Haymitch wraps his arm around Effie. "Will you be our bridesmaid and Best man?!" They shout.

Peeta and I look at each other,"We'd love too!" I say.

"You know We need a flower girl... And this little one won't be out in time so...''

"I'm sure Willow would love to be your flower girl. Uh when is the wedding?"

"Two week." Effie says shyly.

"Two weeks! Effie?"

"I'm sorry. I've just been so caught up on the wedding planning and the baby... I lost track of time. Its sad, I've lost my my skills, but out with the old in with the new right? Haymitch has made me learn to relax a bit."

"Aww. So when are you due?"

"Three weeks, so this needs to happen fast. The wedding is in the capitol, and we will take you guys to get fitted for the wedding attire next week."

"Okay then. Well congrats you two. But while we are sharing good news, Katniss and I are expecting!"

Effie squeals in delight," How far along are you?"

"Almost 5 months now."

She gasps."Katniss, you are so small!"

"I know... But I'm bigger than I was before." Peeta nods in agreement. My stomach finally has started to show, but its still faint.

Haymitch changes the subject and all four of us talk for a long while until Peeta goes to get Willow from school.

When she gets home all she talks about is her birthday and she can't wait. It tommorow and Peeta says he has something special planned but he won't tell me. But what ever it is it is going to be good.

Short I know but next chapter for willows birthday tomorrow ☺. Trust me, you are going to want to read. PS(D4...)

Rye's Start      {EDITING}     (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now