Willow Meets Rye

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*Katniss POV*

Soon after I had learned who the real father is, all of us pleaded to change his name, but with new laws we have to wait till he is legally an adult at the age of 21.

Gale leaves, and Rye is brought back to me now that I am stable, and because he is hungry.

About half an hour later we get a visitors, Willow and Delly. Peeta told me that on his way here he asked her to pick Willow up.

"Mommy!" She exlaims as she runs to me.

"Hi baby!" I say. She hops up on the bed and I hug her with my free arm.

"Hi Delly" Peeta says.

"Congratulations, you guys." She brings in balloons, a  giant gift bag, and flowers and sets them down in the corner." I'll give you guys sometime." Then walks out.

"Can I see him mommy?!"

"Sure baby." I pull down the blanket covering Rye and I.

Willow scoots closer to him and holds his finger. He opens his blue eyes and gives a faint smile. I wish he would have opens them earlier.

"What's his name?" She asks.

"Rye." Peeta answers.

"Can I hold Rye please?''

"Sure. Hold out your hands." She does as she is told and I carefully place him on her lap, and his head on her elbow and her elbow under one of the pillow I have on my bed.

The smile in all of our faces is something to remember. Rye sleeps so peacefully in her arms, it makes me want to sleep as well. I haven't slept since this morning, before I went into labor.

"Hey babe." Peeta calls out.


"Look." He holds up a video camera, photo album, regular camera, and a five session pass for a family photo shoot. It all came from Delly.

I want to thank her, but I barely have any energy to keep my eyes open...

*Peeta's POV*

I place all of the items back in the bag. I turn to talk to Katniss, but she is out like a light. Im suppried she didn't fall asleep earlier.

"Hey pumknin? " I say.

"Yes Daddy?"

"Will you do me a favor please? I need you to take a picture with rye for me please?"

"Okay." She says.

We take quite a few pictures, but my favorite is were Willow sits on the floor with her legs out and Rye on them.

I know katniss will love it too.


Okay I know its short, and not my best chapter, ill fix it later. Okay,but since I'm nice I was thinking maybe I could do a chapter in Willows POV... But only if you guys want it.


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