Hey readers!
Before I start I just want to say thanks for putting up with all my new stories, I know they can be annoying when someone posts twenty new stories in two seconds sometimes so I just want to say sorry for that. But I also want to thank you guys, because this story has 3.6K reads! I didn't know that it even got that high, and the first one at 4.1K, so again thanks you soooo much! I never thought that I would even get five reads on any of my stories.
*Willow POV*
I wake up and stumble to mommy and daddy room. Today is my baby brother Rye's birthday. I slowly open the door and I see mommy quietly crying on daddy's chest. I climb on their bed and open mommys arms and put them around me. I look up and see her smile a little bit.
"Morning baby." Mom says.
"Morning ma, morning dad." I say," daddy can we make breakfreast for Rye?"
"Sure thing, pumkin." He kisses mom on her forehead and he gets up and walks out of the room. Mommy huggs me and walks to the bathroom, but leaves behind a box of pictures and papers. At pre school, they teached me how to read so I pick up a couple pictures and look at them, but it hard to see when there is no light in the room.
One of the pictures has mommy and daddy in it. It looks like they are in a cave. Mommy looks at daddy's leg. The next picture has a little girl with blond hair and rosy cheeks, and a older girl standing next her,She looks a lot like mom.
"Baby! Don't look at those!" Mom shrikes.
"Why?" She carefully takes them from my hands." What are these? Who is she?" I point too the rosy cheeks girl. Mommy starts crying again.
"That's your aunt Prim baby." Her voice sounds shaky. "Someone special."
"Where is she, can I meet her?"
"No... She is in a better place."
"Oh. Are going to be okay mom?"
"Yes baby."
"Willow! You ready?" Dad calls from the kitchen. I give my mom a fast kiss on her cheek and run down stairs and into the kitchen.
"What are we making!" I say excited.
"Eggs and silver dollar pancakes." He says. We make they batter and the egg yolk stuff. We make a big mess. There is flour on the floor, and daddy and I have a flour fight. He has it on his eyebrows and chin. And I have some everywhere. When we finish I hear Rye crying from his crib in our room, meaning he is awake.
"Can I go get him daddy?"
"I think he might be a bit to heavy for you, pumpkin."
"Please Daddy?" I plead and give my puppy dog eyes to him.
He laughs,"fine, but be carful!" He calls out but I am already half way there.
He stands up hand holds on to the rail crying. He has my dad's blond hair, but Rye's is starting to curl at the end just like daddy's, and grey eyes like mommy. His face is a bit red from crying, but he is still a cute baby. I go grab my stool that I got from mom's friend Johanna in district 7. We went there too her new baby boy. I forgot his name, but he has black hair and dark brown eyes.
When I get the stool I place it in front of his crib and lift him out. I carry him down stairs then hold is finger to help him walk to dad, because he still can't walk on his own yet. He starts speeding up when he see's dad and laughs. Dad gets him in his hi hair and get him his breakfast and gives me my medicine that I take everyday.
He is making mommy plate when I ask him a question."Dad. Why do I have to take medicine everyday?"
"Because you need it, baby." He says.
"Why? Why doesn't Rye take anything?" I ask.
"Because you are special. And he doesn't need it." He says.
"Okay." I say
He calls for mom to join us. And she comes awhile later. She gives everyone a kiss and we eat like a family.
Except there is something different about us... I just can't figure it out yet.
We'll I did Willows POV. Like it? Hmu in the comments. Also I have a new story lmao, I promise it's the last one for a loonng time. So if you want, you know how to find it.;)

Rye's Start {EDITING} (Book #2)
FanfictionThis is the second book I've made.The first is Willow's Beginning on Katniss' first pregnacy. This book is on her second pregnancy, while balancing being a first time mother and a wife.