And The Father Is...

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*Katniss POV*

When I re-surface I feel a dull pain in my lower body. I turn my head to the left and see blood bags and IV lines going into me.

"Katniss?" Peeta asks, "Are you awake?" He runs to me from across the room and hugs me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He backs up tears already falling down his face,"Katniss?"

I smile." Just kidding."

"Katniss that's not funny. Don't do that again."

"Okay sorry." I let out an exaggerated groan.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. But I hurt... Down there."

"Well I would two if I popped out a 7 pound baby... And I'm not kidding when I said popped out, like he flew across the room."

I laugh. He is obviously joking, but I admire his jokes.

"Where is he?"

"Routine newborn screening tests. He should be back any minute, and he should be hungry."

"Where is Gale." I say.

"Waiting room. He didn't feel comfortable here. I could get him if you want."

"No. Not yet."

A silence falls into the room.

"What happened to me. Why did I black out?"

"They took you into surgery after you did. The doctor said it was blood loss."

Then the door opens. Its a male nurse with my baby. He puts him on my chest and the baby immediately searches for food so I help him latch on. That's when I notice the way the nurse is looking at us... Its like a look off despite. Peeta notices too.

"Is there a problem?" Peeta asks.

"No... No problem at all." He replies but his voice says other wise.

"No I think something is." I say.

"You." He turns around,"Killed my mother!"

"What ?" I say in obvious shock.

"Really? Because there is a video of you doing it. You shot an arrow right through her heart."

Then it hits me. A little over 10 years ago back in the rebellion. The woman I had killed. She had come out of her house calling out for help and I shot her within seconds. Only to use her home as a place of refuge.

"Look, I'm sorry."

He ignores my comment," I was with my father that day, getting more food...I became a nurse to help people... Because I feel like since I couldn't help my mother, maybe I can help other people to get rid of my sins... We don't need to talk." He storms out of the room.

"Well then..."

"I didn't know..." I tear up. I wasn't thinking about who I could have affected, by killing her.

"Its okay... We can talk about it later. Who do you think the baby looks like?"

It takes me a while to calm down but after I do, Its the first time I get a good look at him. His eyes are closed so I can't tell if the are blue or grey. I lift up the blanket covering him and my chest and see that he has no hair. So I can't decide if he has blond or black hair. I look at his face but he looks like none of them, but he has my nose.

''I can't tell." I say.

"I can't either." He says.

Then the doctor comes in."Ahh Katniss. I was hoping you'd be awake."

"Hi Dr.Cullet. So what happened. How are the results?"

"Fine, they are perfect. He came out 7lbs 13oz. Healthy weight. No medical problems. As for you... Other then your blood loss, you tore, so I stitched you back up. I've also heard that you need a paternity test. So we will need your blood Katniss, the baby's, Peeta's, and uhh your 'friend' out in the waiting room."

We all agree. So they come back in a few minutes with empty syringes, but when they go for the baby he screams. It kind of reminded me of Effie. They get Peeta who was a bit reluctant at first. It took him a while to remind himself that they are drawing blood and that he isn't in the captiol and that he isn't being tortured. Then they leave for Gale.

"Hey, Katniss. What is his name going to be?"

We haven't really thought about it

"What about Rye?" He says." When I was young I always dreamed of naming my son that."

"Rye." I say tasting it. "Sounds nice but I think we should wait for the results... Just in case."


About an hour or two later Gale comes in with the nurse who hates us. He is holding the a envelop that will change everything. Our future lies in his hands, but he is opening it slowly, and I think he is enjoying this.

He takes it out and reads the paper."Katniss Everdeen-Mellark the mother of the un named child. Blah blah blah, Peeta Mellark....You are not the father, meaning Gale Hawthorn is the biological father."


Okay a bit of a cliff hanger there. Now before anyone decides to curse me out, please understand that I did this for a reason. Not that I support Galeness (cuz I don't really) but for k+p. I have made plans for this to happen and what follows this. I'm sorry if this angers anyone.

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