District Four

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Today Peeta woke me up at 5 saying to get ready, and to dress for warm weather. I wear a sun dress that shows my faint bump and Peeta wears a blue flannel, white shirt, and beige shorts.

After that Peeta and I sneak up to Willows room. She looks so relaxed. Peeta and I get on both sides of her bed and yell,"Happy Birthday!"

Her reaction was similar to Peeta's  back when finnick and I were green and back in the Quater Quell. But then she started crying, and I felt so bad. But Peeta got her laughing soon.

"Hey Willow happy birthday, sorry we scared you baby." I say.

"Its okay, I was funny." She sounds more mature already.

"Well mommy and I have a sweet suprise for you! So mommy will help you get dressed and I will go make you breakfeat."

She kisses his cheak and says thank you. I get her dresses in a pink polka dot dress and a jacket.

We eat, take our medication, Peeta packs a bag, and we are on the road, but not for long. Peeta takes us to the train station.

"Daddy where are we going?" Willow asks.

"Out of the district baby. We are going to a friend of ours." He answers.

"That doesn't sound sound fun Daddy." She says bored.

"Oh trust me pumpkin, your going to love it."


The train reaches this unknown destination but I remember it, like I was here yesterday. I can smell the salt in the air, and the warm breeze on my face, and  hear the stupid seagulls.

Its District 4.

Why he he brought us here I don't know, but willow seems excited. When we get out I see a beautiful woman next to teen with green eyes and golden eyes. He looks just like finnick.

"Annie! Finn! So nice too see you guys." Peeta says.

"Peeta!" Annie says,"Hello."

Willow And I step out. And we say Hi to Finn and Annie. Then they take us to their house help us get comfortable. Annie, Willow, And Peeta cook in the kitchen while Finn helps me unpack.

After a while he asks,"Can you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"What was he like? M-my dad." He says.

I think. Its  hard for me to answer him, when I am the reason why he doesn't know his father. I killed finnick. My throat swells and my eyes turn red.

Guilt is an awful thing.

"You don't have to tell me its fine. I-"

"No um. He was charismatic. He had an amazing sense of humor, and he adored your mother . He was a good friend."

"What happened to him.''

"He died in the field."


"... A bomb... Look you helped a lot you can go now. Thanks" He quietly leaves. 

After I am done I reach for the door but I feel something. In my stomach. Its not pain, but a weird fluttering feeling.

Its moving.

Rye's Start      {EDITING}     (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now