Wedding Day

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The next day, we leave Annie's to go back home. But before we do we go surfing (which we all sucked at) and catch some fish.

When we finally get back home, Efiie and Haymitch are waiting for us. They moved the wedding for tomorrow because Effie has been having tons braxton hicks, and they want to have the wedding before the baby.

All of us then go to go get fitted for the wedding attire. Willow has a pastel blue dress, Peeta a black suit, and I also have a pastel blue dress.

They leave off to go to the capitol to get the check into the hotel and get things ready and we have to be at . So we pack everything we need and and leave once again out the district.


(Flash forward to after they say their vows cuz im too lazy to write all that)

"You may now kiss the bride." Says the priest.

The have a nice long kiss and Haymitch sweeps her up in her beautiful dress made entirely of lace with a long train. It was a very light gold color dress and made her stomach look a bit bigger than it was.

I guess she hired paparazzi because at least ten people came in and started taking many pictures. But after they did they all rushed to me and willow. I didn't want to make a scene or leave so I had to pretend that they weren't there. It was extremely hard for me not to curse them out.

Time came for Effie and Haymitch's solo dance. It was spectacular. Then we ate, danced, then time came for the toasting.

I listend to what everyone had to say unti its my turn to say the toast. So stand up but my stomch hits the table and things go flying. It is som embarssing. I coulnt even help clean up because i cant bend down. I guess im getting bigger.

Everyone is lookibg at me so i try to ignore what I just did and speak.

"Sorry about that... Um Efiee and Haymitch couldn't be anymore oppsite than they are now. She's clean, he's not,Ie. But that's what makes them so close.

They used each others differences too complete them one another. It makes them whole. And I wish I could learn to do what they do. You both will be amazing parents. Because with mine gone, you guys have treated me like I was your own. To Effie and Haymitch."

Everyone repeats after me and drinks their champaign. Except I hear a glass fall on the floor, Effie's face is pale white, and she is doubled over.

"Effie!" Haymitch says,"What's wrong?!"

She stands up, lifts the bottom part of her dress up, and walks away from her spot. There is a puddle of liquid from were she stood.

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