Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Damn there goes my plan of breaking up with her. Oooooh Monty is gonna be sooo mad.

"You don't have to say it back but I just-"

"Wait, "


"You love me? Aww that's cute. So what do you love? I know I'm sexy and shit but I'm not lovable."

"I meant that I am in love with you and I can't imagine you breaking up with me, so please don't. I'm really sorry I cheated."

"Yeahhh, I need to use the bathroom,"

"Oh yeah sure."

She got off the bed to allow me to leave. Once I got to the bathroom I called Arkhan.

"Bruhh, we hit a huge speed bump over here,"

"What happened?"

"She told me she loved me."

"Duuuuude, tell me you said something."

"No, I told her I needed to use the bathroom,"

"Okay good."

"What the fuck should I do?"

"Break up with her,"

"What if she hits me?"

"Then we hit her back, but harder."


I walked out of the bathroom and met Camden in the hallway.

"You want to break up with my sister right?"

"I do."

"May I ask why,"

"She cheated, then I cheated, but she doesn't know I cheated and it's too much right now. Plus she told me she loved me and I know she knows I don't feel the same way, but I'm gonna hurt her more if I stay. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I'm just overwhelmed, but I really liked her."

"Well, I think you should talk to her, if I were her I'm sure I'd appreciate the honesty."

"Yeah, I get that much."

"Good talk."

"Yeah good talk,"

I walk back to Zion's room and she's sat on her bed going through her phone.

"Hey, I think we need to break up."

She looked up fiercely. Then tears came into view from where I was.

"What?! Why?"

"You know why. I don't love you that way. You cheated, and then I ended cheating because I was angry and shit. So there's a whole lot of toxicity going on in our relationship and it's not working out."

"You're such a bitch. Right after I tell you I love you, you break up with me. Who the fuck does that? You couldn't wait a week or something?"

"I thought it would be better if I did it faster?"

"Get out of my house!"



Zion started throwing her stuff at me. Shoes, handbags, makeup and when she ran out of stuff to throw she started pushing me out of her room. She pushed me right out of the door. I stumbled my way to my car and drove back to my apartment.

Arkhan was sitting on the couch in her room when I came back.

"How did it go?"

"My first relationship lasted only a month and a half."

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