Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Third Person POV

Once again Billie found herself thinking of Shiloh as she was with Brandon. This time they were watching a movie and she was tucked in Brandon's arms. They were watching Scott Pilgrim VS the World and Scott reminded her of Shiloh. Well, she wasn't as awkward as Michael Cera was but the stupid determination they had towards things was similar. So when she got a text from Shiloh that evening, she couldn't help the smile that came on her face. She excused herself and walked to the bathroom .

She opened the text.

Got rid of Jacin

You can thank me later.

Don't tell Sab tho.

Billie was confused. What had Shiloh done? Many thoughts went through her head as she hoped for Shiloh's safety. She wanted to call Shiloh, but she was already taking so long in the bathroom and she didn't want to deal with Brandon's continuous bickering. He was getting increasingly annoying, he kept asking her where she was when she wasn't with him and he grabbed her roughly when she didn't answer him. He definitely didn't trust her around her friends, even Sid who was so gay. I mean He definitely has reasons to worry, Billie was so into Shiloh and they had almost fucked twice, in the same day. Billie also knew that even though she had asked Shiloh for space and to stop what they were doing she wasn't going to hold her end of the deal.

Billie walked into the living room and sat next to Brandon and he immediately started badgering her,

"Who was that?"


"Who sent you a text?"

"Nobody, it was spam,"

Brandon was definitely off his meds when he grabbed Billie's chin and dug his fingers into her cheeks. It was painful and in turn made Billie flinch. She was so close to socking this dude.

"Don't fucking lie to me,"

He increased the force. Billie pulled his hand from her face.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me,"

Brandon was a fucking cunt. She started to pack her shit to leave,

"I'm leaving, call me when you get over yourself,"

"Fucking cunt,'

Billie got to her car. She took a deep breath. She really hated relationships. She looked at the text Shiloh had sent. She replied finally

What do you mean?

Soon enough Shiloh replied

I'm getting food with Monty

We're getting wasted later

Do you want me to stop by your house later?

You don't know my address.


I've never been to your house

Yeah, I'll leave the window open

Cool beans.

And so in fashion, Shiloh came through Billie's window smelling of weed and wearing the rumpled suit she had worn to confront and subsequently kill Jacin. Billie helped her towards the edge of her bed and took off her clothes. She used a wet towel to clean Shiloh's face before she put her own clothes on Shiloh's body. Shiloh kept mumbling about blood sacrifices and cannibals, Billie couldn't be sure, it didn't help that Shiloh kept trying to kiss her. Billie let one of her kisses connect but stopped it before Shiloh could get her naked. Her hands were really soft and cold.

Shiloh fell asleep after Billie hugged her from behind to stop her from turning around to try and kiss her. Shiloh was out of her mind and the weed smell didn't help.

Sometime after Billie had fallen asleep Shiloh had turned and become the small spoon, she had also burrowed her face into Billie's neck and her hand sat comfortably right below Billie's breasticles. When Billie woke up she was hot, she tried to make her way to the fan in her room but found her mobility limited, the next thing she took notice of was the warm hand underneath her shirt and then the legs that were tangled with hers. In her foggy mind the first thing she thought of was Brandon but she noticed that the frame covering hers was considerably smaller. She pulled away eventually to go empty her bladder

Shiloh woke up groggy as fuck. She was crusty and when she tried to speak she swore she heard Chewbacca. She didn't know where she was and she silently prayed that this wasn't a one night stand that she couldn't remember. She came out of the room and heard voices, one of them she recognized as Billie's. She hoped that the dude downstairs wasn't Candy Mop. When she went down she was greeted by Billie and an older dude with brown looking hair. He had a wide smile on his face as he looked at me. Then Billie introduced us.

"Shiloh, this is Finneas my brother, Finneas this is Shiloh."

"I've heard so much about you,"

Shiloh squeaked when Finneas said that,

"Really, "

Billie picked up the nearest cup and chucked it at Finneas, luckily it was a plastic one.

"Don't listen to him, he's a fucking liar,"

Finneas cut her off before she could say more,

"Yeah she does, she's always like-"

Billie tackled Finneas and started hitting him with her tiny fists, she knew Finneas wanted to tease her but she wouldn't let him. When she got tired, she got off her brother and the both of them dusted themselves off. Billie went back towards the refrigerator and made a bowl of fruit for Shiloh. Shiloh sat down on the kitchen counter and ate the cold fruit. Pineapples are prickly fruits. Strawberries taste like watered down alcohol but with fruits and grapes are sour but sweet.

After eating Billie and Shiloh went back to Billie's room. While they were there Billie turned on her speakers and started blasting music through it.

"What song is this?"

"BLOW MY LOAD by Tyler,"

"Sometimes I wish I had a dick,"

"Yeah, and I want you to fuck me with it,'


"Nothing. What did you mean when you said you got rid of Jacin?"

"It's not important,"

"Did you pay him or something?"

"Or something,"

'"Well, can you tell me what you did?"

"If i tell you I'd have to kiss you,"

"Don't you mean kill?"

"No I mean kiss,"

"Fine then, keep your secrets,"

"So you don't want to kiss me?"

"No I-"

"You do!"

"Shut the fuck up,"


"That's for not letting me talk"

"Anyway, I got a new job. So imma go. I'll bring your shit back sometime, or never."

"Okay,,,,, bye"

Shiloh made her way outside where the car she had driven in her state. Thank God she hadn't crashed. Wouldn't be much of a story if she did. She had to stop at Ricky's office to collect the list of names of the people that still owed him debts. 

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