Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Man, the store was packed by the time I got there. It was already 7in the evening. Who the hell goes to the store at 7? It is not even a holiday. I went through the aisles at the Dollar store looking for some sour skittles and sour patch kids. God knows I hate sour candy, but the regret of buying the damn candy and the actual sourness of it would take my mind off shit. I picked up some bags of party size Doritos for Arkhan on my way to pay, and as I walked out of the store, I bumped into my smoking buddy, Monty. I met Monty at a college party and we clicked instantly. We'd talk everyday and get together when we could.

"Shy, what the fuck is up?"

"Duddddddeeeeeeeee, do you have some weed on you?"

"Thanks i'm doing fine,"

"Yeah, i'm sorry, but you look good. Your curls look nice?"

"Man fuck you,"

"Sure, when?"

I pushed Monty away as she got really close to my face.

"You're such a pussy. Always saying something but doing soemthingelse,"

"Man, that's being indecisive. And I'm not, I just have people that I like right now, don't mean I've got to tell you shit with yo fat ass."

"Hoes mad that I got more ass than 'em."

"So how have you been,"

"I got a new gun. Wanna see?"

"Fuck no, I'm on a need to know basis dawg and if the feds come looking for your tan ass I need to pass the lie detector test, so it's easier to say shit."

"I only sell weed, plus I got a license and a shop nooooowwww," Monty whined.

"Good for your ass, at least you got your ass together unlike me. Give me the address of your shop and I'll come during the week and we'll get food."

"Aiit bet, also about your girl issues, you'll talk to me if you need help right."

"Definitely, "

We dapped each other up as we said our goodbyes, Minty smacking my ass before I could get away... I took my time getting back because I didn't want to walk in on anybody doing anything. Plus I don't want to get mad. Damn, Monty didn't give me any weed. I hit her Up as I started walking in the direction she went.

Yo, you didn't give me any weed.

I know. You got any cash.

Put a tab up for me or something,

Don't forget about my discount.

Fuck your discount

Please, I'll eat yo pussy

Fine, without the head tho.

Cool, wait for me and send your location

I'm coming your way now.


I put my phone in my pocket as I made my way back to Monty, she handed me the weed and I thanked her again then went on my way. By the time I got back, Arkhan was waiting by the kitchen counter with Billie and the rest of them had taken up residence on the couch or in Arkhan's room. Arkhan took the bags of chips from my hands and put them in the pantry. I gave her a few bags out of the candy i got.

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