Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Third Person POV

The living room of the apartment was trashed. Shiloh and Billie had to walk over broken glass left by the lamps and the TV Zion had knocked over. Shiloh looked into Arkhan's room to look for her and she was hiding.

Inside her room Arkhan was under the sheets. She had told Zion to wait wherever she wanted. She thought of the cleanup she'd have to do after Shiloh gets rid of Zion. She sighed heavily at the sound of her door opening, she only hoped that it was Shiloh and her prayers were answered when Shiloh called her name.

"Arkhan? I'm SO sorry she wrecked our joint. I'll pay for everything,"

"I know you will, it's part of the reasons I'm not exactly worried. Zion isn't gonna hurt anybody but herself. Plus it's very evident she's got a few screws loose,"

"Damn, is she in my room?"

"Probably, Hi Billie,"

"Oh, hi Arkhan,"

"Would you like to play Mario Kart with me till Shiloh sorts out her post breakup issues,"

'Yeah, we could talk too."

Billie got on top of Arkhan's bed and grabbed the wireless Nintendo Switch controller that was next to Arkhan.

'So y'all are gonna leave me on my own to go to my room. If I die it's totally your fault,"

"Yeah, TOTALLY my fault, now GO,"

"Damn I wish Monty was with me,"

Shiloh mumbled. She turned away and walked over to the door of her own bedroom.

She called out into her bedroom with a British accent

"Z, you in there?"

As soon as Shiloh stepped into the room, Zion came barreling towards her landing blows on her body left and right. It took Shiloh almost a full minute to pull Zion away from her face and calm her.

"Dude, you're gonna leave bruises,"

"SO! You fucking left me after I told you I loved you! How is that fair?!"

"You cheated on me, why don't you understand that was reason enough for me to leave,"

"But I Said I was sorry! I'm so sure if Billie had cheated on you and apologized, you would have taken her back. What's so different now?"

"The feelings I have for both of you are completely different and I'm so sorry I didn't love you as much as you loved me."

"Fuck you Shiloh! You stupid piece of shit! I gave you everything and you still left! You're so selfish, all you do is take. Nobody is going to love you as much as I did you selfish prick."

"You know what, so what if no one ever loves me as much as you claim to have. I'm fucking tired of you. You couldn't have loved me anyway, we only went out for a month and a half, that's no time for you to harbor enough feelings and call it love. So yeah get the fuck out of my apartment, I'll drag you out if I have to."

Zion stood face to face with Shiloh. She looked so angry that she could burst.

'I know you were sleeping with Billie while we were together,"

"What are you talking about?"

Zion started shouting

"I'm not stupid Shiloh, I saw the looks you gave her while we were together you moron,"

"What the hell Z? You really think? If you really want to know, I did sleep with Billie the day before we broke up and I don't regret it. Ever since you cheated, I had made my mind up."

"Why the fuck are you such a hypocrite?!"

"At least I know I'm one. So could you leave now, I have to clean up my fucking apartment,"

Shiloh was tired. How many more things would she have to go through before she's a little happy.

"No I'm not fucking leaving."

Shilo sighed and started pulling Zion by the arm out of the apartment. When they got to Shiloh's car she pushed Zion into the front seat then slid into the drivers side so she could drive.

"I'm not going anywhere Shiloh. I promise you that I'm going to kill you,'

'Whatever Zion after this I'm getting a restraining order, plus I'm pressing charges for the damage to the apartment,"

"Fuck you Shiloh,"

"So I keep hearing,"

They got to a bend in the road with a lot of trees and at the sight of a huge tree with lots of prickly branches jutting out, it was as if a switch had turned on in Zion's head. She raised her leg and kicked Shiloh in the head then turned the wheel so that they collided into the tree. When they did a branch impaled Shiloh in her chest, right above the right side. Zion had been knocked unconscious by the impact and Shiloh was bleeding out. The last thing that came to mind was Billie, she hoped that somehow, she'd see her again.

A/N My dad's got covid, and he's a couch potato. I really hope he doesn't die. My reasons although are entirely selfish. I can't bring myself to cry so I mask my fear with laughter. My uncle saw dust bunnies and lied to my face that he saw my hair. He's a fucking blind liar, I hate him. Hope my dad get's better and changes his lifestyle choices.

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