Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Third Person POV

Arkhan kept hold of ZIon till her tears subsided. She rubbed her back and rubbed slowly till her joints were cramped. When Zion's sobs turned to sniffles Arkhan turned Zion and made her face her.

"Sis, first of all, you need to stop crying. Second please tell me exactly why you slapped my best friend, before I rock your world,"

Zion was looking straight at Arkhan. How does one go from consoling you to threatening you. The switch was just bizarre. Arkhan understood a little of what she was going through, only that her case was by far different, as she was dating a racist asshole who showed his true colors after they started dating.

When they met Shiloh was nothing short of a crybaby. They were both in boarding school when they met, 7th grade to be exact. It was the start of their orientation and Shiloh was hysterical because she had a stuffed toy that she thought would get taken by the staff if they found it. Arkhan had assured her that if she hides it well enough that they wouldn't touch it. She lost it after the week ended though so that didn't help. Anyway, Shiloh stuck to Arkhan like white on rice and they were very close. They had been so close that Arkhan's first boyfriend had complained about Shiloh. But Shiloh didn't give a fuck but stepped back a little to let them have their time. Didn't help though, Arkhan broke up with him after the seventh month of their relationship. Arkhan got a new boyfriend about a year later but Arkhan felt like a piece of shit and the dude was even shittier.

Now, Shiloh was the one getting girlfriends and asking for some sort of advice. It was funny to watch Shiloh struggle with her relationships, because she knew Shiloh was more or less a very shitty person. She had her good traits but overall her shittiness covered all the good stuff. Plus she'd never show you the good stuff unless she liked you. Though that didn't stop you from liking her because she had a certain charm to her. Although Shiloh would still burst into tears when talking to her parents from time to time and play it off as a cold.

Arkhan waited for Zion to speak up,

"I- I don't know. I got so angry hearing her talk about that shit, I got angry Brandon was trying to break us up. When we were watching the movie, Brandon kept staring at Shiloh like he knew something she didn't and like he wanted to kill her. So when she said all that shit about Billie I got really angry."

"You got angry at the fact that Shiloh still likes Billie but claims that she likes you?"

"Yeah i guess"

"I get that. It doesn't make sense that Shiloh knows who she likes but won't go after her. But she probably has her reasons. I think you guys should sit the fuck down and talk but at the same time don't force her to talk."

"She's so dumb. I'm scared though, what if she leaves me?"

"Then you move on, but you need to communicate and I'm your friend and all but if you DO end up being the one that leaves, please don't cheat on her."


Zion cleaned her face and stood up with Arkhan. She hugged Arkhan and they went back into the house. They must have been gone for about an hour but as soon as Shiloh saw Zion she rushed to hug her.

"Oh fuck, Z I'm sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut and chugged the whole bottle of vodka. I could do it now even."

Shiloh stepped away from Zion and grabbed the vodka bottle but she didn't have the guts to drink it. Vodka to her tasted like ass.

Zion pulled Shiloh towards the seat and faced her.

"I want you to know that whenever you want to talk about your feelings for people who aren't me I'll be here to either cheat on you or just talk you know. Then we could have some good times, and sex."

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