Chapter 3.5

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Chapter 3.5

Narrators POV

Okay so let's go back to the party. Say when the molly ad kicked in and Shiloh and Sabrina made their way to the bathroom. Once inside Shiloh carried Sabrina over to the sink.

"I need to pee, close your eyes,"

Sabrina slurred as she poked Shiloh in the head near her left eye.

"Noooooo, its gonna be dark,"

"Duhhh, that's what happens when you close your eyes."

As Sabrina said that Shiloh grabbed her hand and brought them closer. Shiloh took her time to look all over Sabrina's face. She knew how attractive she was, plus she could hardly think. Shiloh's head was a mess and how hot sabrina looked under the dingy bathroom lights didn't help either. Before she could talk herself out of what would grow to be a huge misunderstanding, Sabrina brought her lips to Shiloh's. They kissed with a hard passion, all sense thrown out the window. Shiloh was thrown in a frenzy and she became filled with lust.

Outside the bathroom the crew was having fuuuuuunnnn, well except Billie.

See the thing is Billie didn't hate Shiloh, she never did, heck she might have fallen in love at first sight as cliche as it might sound. She hated the fact that she blushed everytime Shiloh gave her a smile. She hated that she liked Shiloh's half dimple. She hated how her heart raced each time Shiloh caught her staring. It was so crazy that she liked someone she met in just a couple of hours. It didn't make sense to her so she did the first thing that came natural to her : be an asshole. What made it even worse was that Shiloh was so fucking nice. Shiloh on the other hand wasn't even conventionally attractive, with her short asf hair kinda stuck in her awkward growth phase and shit, with her acne spotted face too, Shiloh was the epitome of awkwardness but that's what made Shiloh, um Shiloh I guess.

Speaking of Shiloh, Billie hadn't seen her all night plus she had to take a fat shit. And as she made her way towards the bathroom, she shot her friends a quick text suggesting that they'd leave soon enough. She got to the nearest bathroom and she scrunched her face as she banged on the door to get the assholes that were making babies inside to come out. What she didn't expect was to find Sabrina macking on Shiloh hardcore, you could smell the lust in the tiny bathroom. Shiloh and Sab stopped kissing to smile at Billie goofily.

"What the FAWK is this/"

Now Billie wasn't prepared for what she had just stumbled upon. It was like a punch to the gut. Shiloh's eyes were beyond dilated and the smell of alcohol on Sabrina was almost a cloud so you could literally smell her. Billie pulled the two girls out of the bathroom and commanded them to stay by the stairs while she went to rally their friends.

She got to Mark and told him what happened before she found him, Mark's eyes went wide with surprise as he tuned in.

Mark was a huge guy, bald but not all bald guys are bad guys, just ask Gru. In their friend group Mark was their dad figure, good with kids, and his friends were more or less kids. What he was hearing wasn't anything new with Sabrina, especially since she got with Rocko, her more or less criminal boyfriend. They'd been going out for about a year and for all he knew sabrina was going to pay bail money for him to come out early.

Billie made her way to the two as Mark followed behind, they made it to the two girls who (thank god according to Billie) weren't making out anymore but were now giggling and whispering in each other's ears. It made Billie angry and she knew every reason why. She wasn't dumb, she was very aware of the minimal amount of possible, probable attraction she had acquired for Shiloh. She didn't like it. She didn't have to but at least she was aware. She was done with her five stages of grief.

Sid was grinding on another dude on the makeshift dance floor, Katy Perry could be heard in the background. Teenage Dream. A classic. Billie grabbed him and Sid was about to throw a fit before he looked directly at Billie's face.

"We need to go now."

Billie's panicked tone didn't match her stoic face at all but Sid still took her words with all seriousness. Zoe, Drew and who we now know as not wannabe Tony Hawk but Wes were at the entrance of the beach house, holding a very high Shiloh. Sabrina was in Mark's arms droopy, smiley but very much still awake.

They got into two cabs and Billie got stuck in between the two, frankly, that didn't stop them from stuffing their tongues in each other's mouths, and Billie was fed up. For two reasons she acknowledged.

Sabrina was going to regret this the next morning.

She was a jealous fuck.

But we don't talk about that. She pulled Sabrina off of Shiloh and held on to her arms. The ride back to Sabrina's house was filled with Shiloh pressed up on Billie's side and Sabrina was trying to squirm her way out of Billie's hands unsuccessfully. You could call it a very awkward inebriated threesome. I had a dream like that once. Three words, I CAN'T REMEMBER. Sometimes, remember seems like more than one word.

When they got to their house, Sab looked almost sober, but still very drunk. I hope that makes sense, But at least that's how she saw Sab. She was still flirting tirelessly with Shiloh and Billie wondered just what happened before she found them in the bathroom, and what had led them there. She went to the kitchen to get a glass to drink water as she watched from the side of her eye as sab pulled Shiloh into her room. Tough shit, a bitch is always going to get jealous. Hell it seemed as all their friends watched what had just taken place and they also realized where this was going to end. Did they pity Billie? Depends on your definition of Pity. Drew, and Zoe pulled Billie into the guest room and played Cards Against Humanity. Eventually she fell asleep earlier than anticipated.

A/N : At this point I can only hope you guys are doing better than I am. My uncle is on drugs, dude gets mad over the smallest reasons. Like I was minding my business playing card against humanity online and he started screaming at me to gtfo of his house. Like dude that's the reason he's getting married for a third time. He doesn't know how to chill. Wtf. Stupid fat fucker. He's the only guy i body shame and I'd admit it. It's not my fault he's constantly unhappy. Like bitch don't kill my vibe. Such a weird fuck.

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