Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A/N If i get a dream about dick I tune in to my lesbian porno playlist. That's my form of asmr.

Remind me to lower my expectations from now on.

As soon as we got there I was enveloped by seas of bodies covered in sweat, the smell of alcohol and body odor. I had one Jersey Shore looking mf on one side and when I tell you Snookie was on the other, I ain't lying. Drew was flirting with some guy I assume was the one who invited us in the first place, Zoe was long gone, Sid was half naked dancing with some random guy, Mark was in the midst of an arm wrestling match, Sabrina was right next to me, our arms bumping into each other, and Billie, well she was missing. I lost track of her a few minutes after we got to the party. Sabrina was talking to some guy and I still had my lemonade from earlier. It was lukewarm but hey, beer tastes like ass so... I kept my eyes and ears open for our friends,

I looked at Sabrina, no doubt she was off her head with alcohol, her face red as she kept hold of my shirt all the while talking to the walking cactus next to her.

"Yo I'm moving to the empty couch over there"

I pointed to the now empty couch that we were facing as I got Sabrina to turn to me. She looked at me and blinked twice before allowing me to drag her towards the couch. When we got there, some guy who looked like Tony Hawk but on drugs sat by one arm of the couch. I sat next to him determined to put as much space between him and a drunk Sabrina, but I was deterred as she sat comfortably on my lap instead of the seat next to me. To make things worse, a bitch was thicker than a snicker and she moved and shimmied continuously until she practically lay on me. I could smell her shampoo, Skrawberries.

Tony looked at both of us then offered us two tabs and before I could ask what it was, Sabrina took them from his hand, but me being faster than Barry Allen, directed her hand to my mouth and that's how I lost my life.

The End.

Well, night. I'm kidding, I wasn't sure what was going on after I took those pills because they kicked in fast. I hate drugs, they make me queasy, but Sabrina was already drinking, so I did the next best thing. Slug 'em.  At some point She stood up to dance and we bid Tony goodbye and as the songs changed and became more intimate Sabrina got more into the dancing.

"My feet hurt."

This bitch, she definitely knows what her drunk ass is doing. She was pouting and usually I hate when bitches whine and pout because they sound like damn crows, but her voice, I was hooked. I had a whole damn zoo in my belly and my PUTHY was doing jumping jacks, not to mention I was certifiably high. I turned around and bent over to let her smack my ass like a drum. She got on my back and with the coherence of an addict going through withdrawal I made my way to the bathroom.

I found myself in a bed, with the curtains drawn and tiny snores on one side.

Now I can't remember the events after we possibly made it to the bathroom but going through my memories, I remember the sink, my hand on some ass, a torn tank top and tongue. I'm sure

you're wondering how I skipped the whole night but damn you Tony.

I feel around for my phone and see less than savoury text messages from Arkhan and when I open my social media I'm greeted by more than 20 snaps on my Snapchat from the following night and a pair of sexy dark eyes looking at me.

Oh God what did I do. What did WE do. Why was I staring at a naked Sabrina right now? Well, I'm not going to be the one to approach the topic first, plus I was still on the floor so I had higher priorities. The first being to text Arkhan and let her beautiful face know that I am alright and that I had maybe lost my virginity



Dog fuck.

I did molly, i think

Lost my virginity too, maybe


Please tell me you're joking

You cumsock

Yeah I know.

I'll come back to the apartment laterrrrrr

You lucky bitch

Tell me everything when you do

I've got to go tho


Now, to face the dragon. She still hadn't said anything, she just looked at me with sad puppy eyes. Like damn bitch don't blame me, we were both gone and I was the literal virgin. I decide to fuck it and ask a completely random but necessary question.

"What's your last name?"

Her look turned into confusion, then anger

"Are you fucking kidding me! We probably had sex and that's the first thing you ask!?!?"

"Well, did we have sex? Where are we anyway and yes what is your ;ast name?"

"We are in my house and you can go fuck yourself."

"I'm sorry, no offense, but I was the virgin until literally last night so why are you the one who's pressed? I like the bed sheets though."

"Fuck off..."

She grabs her phone and goes through what seems like security footage and as she watches her emotions change on her face like a fucking rollercoaster. She gasps and covers her mouth as she drops her phone.

"What did you give me yesterday?"

Huh? Excuse me,

"I was the one who took the molly yesterday wile you were off your nuts on alcohol. Don't try and blame me when I literally saved you from OD'ing and getting dragged to god knows where by some Tony Hawk looking mf, not to mention once again I am the one who lost their virginity. I'm going like this obviously was a mistake and I'm very sorry for disturbing you."

With that said, I make my way down the stairs. I see everybody around the kitchen counter and Mark watching TV. Billie glares at me but bruh I'm not even ready to deal with her. Zoe, Lola and Drew greet me and I see Tony come out of a room and wrap his arms around Drew.


This dude really got me screaming with a hangover. 0/10 I do not recommend.

"Hey! Dude, you necked those pills last night, crazy AF"

Drew chimes in

"How do you guys know each other?"

"Gave me molly yesterday"

"Offered her drugs"

We say at the same time.

"My name is Wes by the way."

Mark calls to me as Drew quizzes Tony Hawk about his activities from last night.

"Shy, I think you might want to know what happened yesterday,"

I look at Mark wearily and silently hope I didn't strip naked.

I'm quiet as he recounts the activities of yesterday. According to the only source i have right about now aside from my Snapchat, they found us on the floor next to the stairs of the bathroom and Sabrina couldn't walk. We got into the back seat of the cab that we called and I got jumped by a horny drunk Sabrina who couldn't take her hands off me. When we got back to her apartment, she pulled me into her room and that was the last they had seen of us for the night.

"Well, at least I'm not a virgin anymore, also please tell your friend that I didn't start shit cuz she thinks I laced her."

"Are you leaving?"

Sabrina says from the door of her room

I don't answer as I turn and leave the apartment. With everything that went on in the last two days I think I deserve a little space.

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