Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A/N My dream job is at McDonald's

Shit, It's Thursday. About five days since I walked my ass out of Sab's apartment. She said I laced her or something. That hurt me a lot. See, thing was I had the kind of innocent fact that was highly suspicious. Wide, bright eyes, tiny voice, still raspy as fuck though, plus I'm short, 5"2 too be exact. Frankly I didn't think I had it in me to do that type of shit to somebody.

I told Arkhan of my possible blunder and she laughed so hard that she pissed on herself. Don't know who had it worse right about then.

I worked at Walmart. Did I hate it? Maybe. But I was happy I at least had a job. Could I do better? Maybe, if I did good enough in school. Did I care? No. Anyway the moral of the story is that I took full shifts all week and by the end of the day I was dead tired. I also did a lot of freelance work because the only thing I knew how to do was draw, even though I was mediocre at it.

Sab spammed me for like two days. I refused to look at my phone, hell I saw the flood of notifications but I actively ignored her. I'm petty like that, if you'd consider that petty. This is even worse than that one time that I got analed forcefully. Didn't cry, still sucked. I pulled on my hair as I considered my options. I still really liked her, hell she didn't tell me her last name. I looked at the last text she sent.

I'm sorry.

Please talk to me.

Yeah, no. But yeah, imma go see her regardless. I replied.

Yeah, okay.

She replied like instantly. To be honest, it felt really nice to have someone respond to your text as fast as you'd reply to them. You know I thought we vibed really well at first you know, till the whole party. But hey, we'd only known each other for a day, I shouldn't be so pressed.

Can I come over?

Yeah i don't think that's a good Idea

Why not?

You're a horny mf. No offense.

So am I

Actually come over, Arkhan will be around,

That way, there's a less chance of me doing something you don't want

Okay, cool.

I'll be there at 6

Same Thursday I got home at like 4 and Arkhan was in the living room watching tv.

"Yo, you got any plans later,"

Arkhan looks at me suspiciously

"Look, that was a one time thing, Im not letting you eat m-"

"No not that! Sab is coming in like an hour"

"Ooohhhhh, So yall gonna fuck again?"

"I don't think so, she wants  to apologize for last time i think."

"Yeah that shit was fucked up, are you going to be fine? Do you need me to stay?"

"You read my mind, I'll be in my room, let me know when she gets here."

I close my door and sit towards the edge of my bed. I pull on my hair again. Now somebody should explain why I invited her over? Like I didn't need to see her honestly. Sure I liked her but I hardly knew a bitch. I took a long af shower and put on my Ghostbusters shirt. I loved that shirt. Now to sleep.

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