Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I was looking forward to the movie date. I know, all our friends were going to be there, but I was still looking into what we were going to do when we got there. The possibilities were endless. On one hand, I wanted to kiss Billie, on the other hand, I was super into Sabrina but she had a boyfriend. I mean there was the possibility that she could cheat. And before you judge, I'm human and incredibly selfish, so yeah knowing the risks I'm willing to take it.

Arkhan and I took the bus over to Sabrina's house. When we got there, we were greeted by Lola and Wes. You know, I could totally blame Wes for this shit, but he didn't force the drugs into my mouth and shit I guess I really wasn't a virgin anymore, meaning, Sabrina had really cheated.

I wonder what her boyfriend looks like.

Enough said, I bagged a seat in between Billie and Sabrina then looked around for Arkhan. She was talking to Zoë. There were nine of us here, two single sofas on one side, a long couch, a medium one and a bean bag. Lola settled on the bean bag, Sabrina, Billie, I and Mark were on the long couch. Sid lay on the floor in front of us. Wes and Drew were on the medium one and Arkhan and Zoe settled on the single sofas.

"So, it's my turn to pick the movie,"

A round of disapproval rang through the room as Lola spoke up.

"Noooo, you're gonna pick some shitty movie."

Sid screeched

"How is Scott Pilgrim shitty?"

"We always watch it when it's your turn, though." Billie reiterated

"But I don't want to watch scary movies though, or mean girls."

"Fight club?"

"Nah," Mark disagreed

"Below her mouth?"

"Sappho," Sid mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Nooo, I was saving that for my turn," Sabrina interjected

"Why don't we let the guests pick."

"Guests," Okay, yeah it was my turn to speak.

"Y'all should just play rock, paper, scissors

"Good idea"

Sid played with Lola and Sid won so we had to watch some scary movie. We kept going through titles till we came upon The Exorcist. The Exorcist huh? I'd never done completely well with scary stuff. I jumped every time Arkhan came behind me without announcing herself, the toaster scared me too. Loud sounds are especially dangerous. The fact that I jumped at every little thing added to how suspicious I looked. But my fears where no joke, last time I watched a scary movie, I had to sleep in Arkhan's room for a month.

When she heard the title Arkhan shot me a look asking if I was okay, I nodded to assure her that I would be fine. I have to be fine.

Okay, so I just lied to myself. Nothing new, but I was beyond terrified. How the fuck do people enjoy this kind of shit. I swear to Buddha I was the only one freaking. I had basically buried myself into the person next to me, said person being Sabrina, I don't think she minded. I pushed my luck a little further. I turned my head so my lips were against her collarbone and gave her a little kiss. What I wasn't expecting  was the little moan that came out of her mouth.

Third person POV

Okay, Sabrina wasn't expecting any of the shit Shiloh had pulled and now she had two options. Sure, she told Billie that she wasn't into Shiloh like that, and she'd already slept with the girl despite having a boyfriend, besides Shiloh was so damn seductive. When Shiloh pressed her head into Sab's neck and near damn sucked her, Sab's heart rate went crazy. She instantly forgot about her jailbait boyfriend and she stood up to excuse herself.

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