Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Third Person POV

So true to her word Shiloh made her way to Ricky's 'office'. Ricky was like one of those debt collectors you'd see in a yakuza manga but he dealt coke on the side, the occasional weed too, he even had a weed farm a mile from Shiloh's house, It had a sign that read "Ricky's GOOD TIME WEED". When she got there, she sat in the waiting lounge and watched as a random guy with his hand cut off was being pushed out of a door. Shy gulped as she watched the dude disappear through the entrance door. The receptionist waved to SHiloh to come into Ricky's office.

Behind the door stood a tall, wide man, I'm talking KIngpin tall/wide. HE towered over her even as they took seats opposite each other. He offered her scotch, she knew better than to refuse the dude built like a dinosaur.

"You a friend of Montessa?"

"Monty? Yeah?"

Shiloh's voice had squeaked as she answered him, so she quickly cleared her throat as Ricky laughed at her,

"No need to be scared, Montessa is my niece so you're fine, I take it you were there when some punk refused to pay my money. I hate when people don't pay up. It pisses me off."

"Yeah I told him to pay up, but he threatened me and shit, I even told him to choose life but he didn't listen. He wanted to get his girlfriend to pay his shit for him."

Ricky gasped. Anyone that knew Ricky knew that he hated when people disrespect women. RIcky had let Jacin run free for too long. Who the hell, leaves their girlfriend to pay off debts. You know unless you're like the good king of gay?

"Her friends told me he used to hit her too. I'm just worried you know, in case he does it again. I met her recently. Nice girl too. Do you want to see pictures? Ooh, not that one, too risque. Shit she's topless, bikini pic? When did she send this? Okay so I don't have any appropriate pictures of his girlfriend, which is another long story in itself. But I do need your help and you want your money, so?"

"What exactly do you want me to do,"

"I don't know, get your dudes to like scare him or something, you get your money, and like threaten him to leave her alone."

"And what do I get?"

"Umm, your money."

"If I wanted just my money I wouldn't be listening to you right now. Besides, my services cost money."

"Fine, what do you want me to do then,"

"Work for me."

"Que? I already have a job though,"

"Become one of my debt collectors, I want you to help Montessa collect from the people who owe me. You only need to be skilled in the art of intimidation. Montessa will handle the rest. You seem like a good kid,"

"Thank you sir,"

"Nonsense, call me Ricky,"

Meanwhile Sab was already getting manhandled by Jacin, During the week, he'd gotten Kujo to trail Sabrina and In succession he found the address to her new apartment. He confronted her when she was leaving to buy her groceries. As she came out he pushed her back into her apartment and slapped the highlights out of her hair.

"Bitch I need money,"

Man he didn't even let her stand up before he grabbed her hair again. He pulled her up and screamed in her face again.

"I said I need money, I know you're loaded."

Sabrina couldn't even answer she was in so much pain from the hair pulling.

"I don't have anything."

Jacin let her go,

"Come on don't lie to me,"

"I really don't"

Jacin started getting angry again. He couldn't believe that Sabrina would seriously lie to him. The balls on this bitch! He decided to guilt trip her.

"Okay, you don't love me anymore. I'm sorry for hitting you, I was angry, you made me angry. Imagine hearing a phone call from Kujo saying you were staying at your new crib. Damn and you were ignoring me on purpose.I love you, you know. It's part of the reason I act like this."

What kind of bullshit was Jacin spouting? Sabrina rolled her eyes. Her head was down so he didn't see her when she rolled her eyes. Jacin was mental, did he really think she'd pay for the drugs he had been snorting before he entered prison? If he did, he was a bigger fool than she thought. Although he thought of her as a fool too, afterall wasn't she the one who paid the bail money? To be honest she loved him, but not the twisted way he wanted. Jacin wanted someone he could control and Sabrina wanted to be controlled, but not by him. So she did the only thing she could do at the moment, she agreed so she would get him to leave, then call her friends over. She hadn't heard from Shiloh all week, aside from the flirty text she'd sent midweek in response to a nude. She didn't want to bother her, they weren't close anyway

Billie was mourning the fact that she had unknowingly sold her soul to a dude who was almost on par with Jacin's insanity. So now she was hanging out with Zoe, Drew and Lola as they quizzed her on Brandon.

"Where did y'all meet?" Zoe put her hands on Billie's shoulders and shook her.

"I can't remember,"

"You can't remember?"

The girls looked at Billie weirdly with wide eyes and gaping mouths

"Is it a big deal? You know I really like him anyway"

"Yeah but you're still busy crushing on Shy,"

The girls burst into laughter as Billie blushed fiercely

"No. no. no. no. no. no. no, noooooooo I do not,"

She picked up a pillow and started beating her friends with it. She would never admit out loud to liking Shy. It was metaphorical suicide to her. She didn't get why everybody was so bent on making her admit that she had a crush on Shiloh. It only mattered that she knew she did. She changed the subject and asked them where Sabrina was. None of them knew but they did figure that she was in her apartment or doing whatever she had to do.

What was it that Sabrina did when she wasn't with them. With her looks, Sabrina modeled here and there for small and upcoming brands. The amounts they paid per shoot was enough for her livelihood. She'd taken big jobs once in a while but that was only when she needed to splurge on something so it was always close to the holidays when she'd take those jobs. Her friends knew that but she wasn't booked now was she?

Later that day, Shiloh had gotten back to her apartment, she contemplated calling Sabrina. As of now she had taken care of the issue, all that was left was to confront Jacin and make him beg for his fucking life. She did end up calling Sabrina, what she didn't consider was Jacin picking up the phone then blocking her number.

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