Jungwoo - Mental Breakdown

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta has been overwhelmed lately from such a busy schedule and is on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Yuta was breathing heavily, taking a sip of his water, he just finished up practicing, he decided to stay behind a bit when the members left because he thought he kept getting the dance wrong.

The male was so close to crying and just breaking down, their schedule had been packed lately and he was just so overwhelmed.

He hadn't spoke to any of the members about it knowing they were just as exhausted and tired and he didn't want to burden them with his problems.

Yuta sighed and decided to call it quits for tonight and wanted to head home and just sleep.

He picked up his phone and bag, turning off the lights to the dance studio and headed out, finally being able to go to the dorms.

He walked along the dark streets out Seoul with music blasting in his ears, his mind felt at ease for the first time in weeks.

He got to the building and clicked the button waiting for the elevator.

Eventually it came and the male got into it and decided to get his keys out his bag, just in case the door was locked.

Once he got his keys out he went back on his phone, looking at the schedule they had the next day.

What he didn't know was that Jungwoo was walking around the elevator on the 10th floor waiting ti scare Yuta as a joke.

He heard a bing come from the elevator and as the doors opened he looked up from his phone and saw Jungwoo standing their with a creepy look on his face.

"Boo!" The male yelled, making Yuta flinch back and jump, he wasn't expecting the scare at all.

The boy tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground, Jungwoo laughed finding it funny but it was the last straw for Yuta and he just broke down crying.

Jungwoo was still laughing until he heard the sobs escape from Yuta's mouth and he immediately stopped laughing and got extremely worried.

The elevator door was about to close and Jungwoo quickly stepped in, making the doors open again.

"Yuta?" He asked, "What's wrong?" Jungwoo asked, genuinely confused, usually when he did it Yuta would just laugh it off afterwards.

The male has never broke down like this before, Yuta looked at the younger with tears streaming down his face.

"W-why would you do that?!" He sobbed out, still scared out his mind, not expecting that at all.

"Yuta.. It was just a joke.. if I knew you were going to react like this, I wouldn't of done it.." Jungwoo mumbled, feeling really guilty now.

"Here.. let me help you up" Jungwoo offered, helping Yuta up and took him out the elevator and brought him into a hug.

Yuta buried his head into the talkers chest and just sobbed.

Jungwoo didn't know what had happened for the elder to react like this, he really didn't, but it concerned him, he started regretting scaring Yuta like that now.

"Shhh.. it's okay.." Jungwoo whispered, taking Yuta's face in his hands and wiped his tears away, which was quite pointless as more just fell.

Jungwoo sighed not knowing what to do and gently took Yuta's hand and took them inside the door.

"Yuta? Is that y-" Taeil paused as soon as he saw the crying male, "What happened?" Jaehyun asked, who was behind Taeil.

"I'm not sure.. I scared him like I usually do and he just started crying.." Jungwoo spoke, the two tilted their heads in confusion.

Jungwoo shook it off and took the crying male to his room.

Jungwoo took Yuta's bag and coat and sat him down on the bed.

The younger crouched down in front of the crying man and held both his hands.

"Yu.. what happened?" Jungwoo asked, caressing the back of Yuta's hand with his thumb.

A shaky breath was released from Yuta, "I just.. 've been s-so overwhelmed lat-lately.. b-because of our schedules a-and the scare j-just was the last s-straw.." Yuta stuttered out, trying to control his breathing.

Jungwoo gasped slightly feeling so bad now, he quickly stood up and brought the elder into a hug.

"Why didn't you tell anyway, Yu? We could've done something about it you know.." Jungwoo told him, earning a nod from Yuta.

"I-I know! But I didn't want to burden any of you.. I know you're all so st-stressed as well.." Yuta whimpered out, enjoying the warmth from Jungwoo's hug.

Jungwoo left a small peck on the top of Yuta's head and hummed.

"Yes, we've all been stressed as well, but you'll never be a burden to us Yuta, please remember that, you're so important to us." Jungwoo whispered, caressing Yuta's hair.

"I'm sorry.." Yuta whispered out, "I overreacted.." Jungwoo sighed and shook his head, pulling away from the hug and made Yuta look at him.

"No you never bubs, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that." Jungwoo spoke, genuine on his words.

Yuta nodded and smiled softly, he felt a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now he's spoken about it.

He looked down shyly, "Can we.. uhm.." Yuta mumbled out.

"Can we what?" Jungwoo asked, smiling at seeing how shy Yuta was right now.

"Can we cuddle?" He whispered, loud enough for Jungwoo to hear it though.

"Of course we can, come on." Jungwoo said removing the covers so Yuta could get in.

The Japanese didn't hesitate to get in the bed and Jungwoo followed behind and wrapped the boy up in his arms like he was protecting him.

Jungwoo left a small kiss on top of Yuta's head again, "Next time talk to us.. I was so worried when you broke down like that." Jungwoo told him

"I will, I promise." Yuta told him, letting out another shaky breath, he felt relaxed in Jungwoo's arms, the most relaxed he's been in a while.

"Good.. now close your eyes and relax bubs." Jungwoo told him and Yuta did just that and ended up falling asleep in Jungwoo's embrace.

Word Count : 1040

help i listened to nectar slowed down while writing this and it hits so different

also happy 2nd anniversary to wayv, my favourite boys 🥺

Requested By: shotarowrowrowurboat

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