Ten - Competition

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Genre: Angst, Fluff, Model AU, Enemies to Lovers, Light Dom/Sub Undertones
Description: Ten never had competition until he met Yuta.

Ten never stressed over his position being the best model in the country, that was until, Nakamoto Yuta came along.

The two met by accident, they just so happened to bump into each other as Ten had been visiting Yuta's

Obviously being such a high class model, his standards were through the roof and Yuta was the only one who had ever exceeded them standards, meaning he was a threat to Ten.

Their companies worked together a lot meaning the two unfortunately had to be around each other quite a lot.

Even to the extent of having to work with each other, like now for example, the two were currently at a photoshoot, they both currently for sponsored by the same brand and their companies thought it'd be a good idea to have a joint photoshoot together.

"Nakamoto." Ten said through gritted teeth as he stares the other down, Yuta just laughed and looked at him with a raised brow, "Lee." He said back.

"I don't need you two fighting today, I have other things to do so get your act together so we can get this photoshoot done." The photographer said, tired of how often he catches the two of them at each other's throats.

"How boring." Yuta sighed and went over to pick up the product, if there was anything Ten wanted to do was to strangle the Japanese male, his whole existence infuriated Ten.

Ten followed behind and picked up a different product, the tension heavily in the air as the photoshoot went on, but luckily for all the staff in the room, the two kept their mouths shut and decided to just get the photoshoot over and done with.

As soon as it was over, Ten didn't hesitate to push the elder away from him and leave the room, making Yuta roll his eyes at the childish behaviour.

Yuta went over to the monitor and decided to have a look at the photos and smiled slightly when he saw how good he and Ten actually did look together.

Of course, he wouldn't admit it out loud, he wouldn't let his guard down and let Ten attack his ego like that.

But at the same time, he enjoyed the way Ten was threatened by him, it brought a lot more excitement to his job then he ever imagined.

He smirked at his thought and left the room, seeing Ten as he left and also smirked at him, making the Thai male roll his eyes.


It had been about four days now since Ten and Yuta had last saw each other and the younger was back at the company again to visit for another photoshoot for their sponsor and an interview later on.

He went to the designated floor and saw Yuta, however he noticed something was different, but he couldn't work it out.

Yuta looked up at Ten and looked straight back down, standing up to walk away.

The Thai furrowed his brows, confused at the reaction, Yuta never said any snarky comment nor smirked at him like he usually did.

He quickly followed the elder into the room when the photoshoot was being taken place and saw Yuta already waiting for him.

Ten then noticed the male looked tired and a bit.. sad? He's never seen Yuta look so vulnerable with his emotions before, out of all the time he's known him he's never seen Yuta like that.

There was still some time before the photographer came so the younger made it his mission to find out what was wrong with the other model.

He wasn't too sure why he was so concerned but he needed to see the elder smile again, even if it's a teasing one to piss him off.

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