Lucas - Cookies

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Genre: Fluff
Description: Lucas and Yuta bake cookies

The two men weren't the best cooks, but they still have fun baking together, it was currently snowing outside, they had the fire on and were currently in the kitchen.

They weren't able to go anywhere as the streets of Seoul were covered in snow, but it was completely fine by them, they got to spend more time with each other.

"So what do we need?" Yuta asked skimming the cabinets for any familiar ingredients, "I'm not sure." Lucas said, Yuta turned around to face his boyfriend to see if he was struggling to read the box since it was in Korean.

When he turned around he saw his boyfriend just looking at him and not the recipe on the back of the box. "You have to look at the ingredients!" Yuta exclaimed, taken back by how stupid his boyfriend was being.

"Oh." He heard from the taller, Yuta snickered and turned back around, "So what do we need?" He repeated.

Lucas carefully read the ingredients and then called them out, "Butter, Flour and Chocolate Chips!" Lucas said, Yuta nodded looking for the three ingredients.

He finally found them and pulled them out the cabinets, "Here you go." He said passing the ingredients to Lucas, the taller took them and left a small peck on the elders forehead.

Lucas placed all the stuff down on the kitchen counter and washed his hands, Yuta also following behind.

They were finally ready to bake and they followed the instructions. "Wait Lucas the flo-" Yuta said, but was cut off by the flour falling over and going everywhere.

The two looked each other as the both went to grab the falling flour at the same time and are now both covered in it.

They both laughed at the mess they made and put the remaining flour back away. "This is gonna be a struggle to clean up.." Lucas whispered, looking at all the flour that was all over the floor, somehow on their faces as well as their clothes.

Yuta nodded in agreement but shrugged it off and went back go their mixture that was in the bowel. "Do we have a tray for moulding the cookies shapes or do it by hand?" Yuta asked, turning around and seeing his boyfriend staring at him.

"What?" He asked confused, Lucas shook his head with a smile, "Nothing, you just look so pretty." He mumbled, Yuta giggled, "But I have flour all over me!" He responded with a smile.

Lucas shrugged, "So? You still look so gorgeous." The Chinese replied, softly touching Yuta's cheek, pressing their lips together.

Yuta realised the younger he flour all over his hands and pulled away from the kiss with a gasp, "Lucas!" He playfully scolded, earning a playful smirk from the other.

"Oops! I'll go check and see if we have any." The taller spoke quickly rushing away to see if they had with the elder asked for.

Yuta shook his head with a smile and turning back to the cookie mixture, just now stirring it out of boredom waiting for his boyfriend to come back.

"He you go buba." Lucas said, passing the tray t Yuta, the elder smiled and thanked the other taking it and putting the cookies into it, he was too lazy to actually do it himself.

He then put all of them into the oven and set the right temperature. "Lu, I'm going to change!" Yuta called oit, informing his boyfriend. Getting an 'okay' in response.

As he passed his boyfriend he saw that he already changed his clothes, Yuta went and did the exact same thing.

While Yuta was busy doing that Lucas made the two hot chocolate to drink, it was quite cold and he knew how much the other loved to drink them.

So when the boy arrived back he was surprised to be given hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, Yuta smiled widely, thanking the younger.

Lucas guided them to the window, by the fireplace, Lucas sat down, placing both their mugs on the table and pulled Yuta onto his lap.

The elder got comfortable in the embrace of the other, picking up his hot chocolate again, sipping on it quietly, while listening to the wood in the fireplace burn and looking outside, watching the snow fall.

The two loved days like this, they felt at ease, so relaxed, so calm and the best part was being able to be with each other.

Eventually the cookies were done, the two drank their hot chocolate and they went to go get the cookies out the oven.

The waited for the cookies to cool down and they ate them, they were actually surprisingly quite good and the two ended up eating all of them.

Sure, the kitchen was a mess, they were a mess, they had so much cleaning to do but the most important thing was that they had fun and they'd happily do it all over again.

Word Count: 836

this was inspired by the JCC episode! >-<

@GapunyaKucing you asked for a Lucas fluff so here you go! <3

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