Sungchan - Bad Day

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Genre: Fluff
Description: Sungchan had a bad day at work, Yuta makes him his favourite food and cuddles him in hopes to make him feel better.
Extra: Sungchan is going to be older than Yuta
Warning: Mentions of food

Sungchan had a shit day, overloaded with work, all he wanted to do was go home and cuddle his boyfriend. He left the office in an awful mood because of the people in his work just throwing even more work at him.

He was driving home, cussing out everyone at work in his head.

He finally got back to his shared apartment with his lovely boyfriend. He opened the door, trying not to show off how pissed he was.

"Yuta!" Sungchan called for the younger. "In the kitchen, Chan!" He heard coming from the direction of the kitchen.

The elder took his shoes off and hung his coat up, then heading towards the kitchen to see his boyfriend making food.

He went up to the younger, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. "Missed you, baby" He muttered into the youngers ear

Yuta gave a little giggle, "I missed you too, Channie!" He smiled. Sungchan looked down to see what he was making, he was making Sushi (i actually looked it up and it said sushi/raw fish was his favourite food)

Sungchan loved sushi more than anything, especially Yuta's. In Sungchans opinion Yuta made the best sushi.

Yuta turned around in the elders embrace, wrapping his arms around his neck, leaving a little peck on his lips.

"Go get changed, dinner will be ready in a bit, channie" Yuta smiled. Sungchan nodded, a load of stress being lifted from him after seeing his boyfriend. He left another small peck on his lips and went ti go get changed.

Yuta noticed something was up with Sungchan as he got really clingy when he was upset or mad. Yuta quickly dished up the food.

Sungchan came back in with his sweatpants and hoodie on, wrapping his arms again around the younger as he placed food on the table.

"Channie! Stooooop, I'm trying to do this." Yuta whined. "Fine." Sungchan pouted, sitting down on the chair and when Yuta was finally done, he pulled the younger into his lap.

Yuta just let out a giggle, not complaining, getting comfortable in the elders lap. Sungchan picked up his chopsticks and picked up sushi off Yuta's plate.

Yuta was about to complain until the elder held up food to his mouth for him to take. The Japanese
smiled, he loved when Sungchan fed him.

The two ate, making small talk here and there, but it was bothering Yuta what had happened to the elder, but he was going to ask about it after they ate.

Once the two were finished, Sungchan took all the plates back into the kitchen, telling Yuta he'll clean it up tomorrow.

The younger wanted to complain, wanting it done now, but he didn't want to make the elders
mood even worse.

Sungchan sat on the couch besides Yuta, pulling him back into his lap and cuddled the younger. "Channie, what happened?" He pouted.

Sungchan just sighed. "Nothing you need to worry your pretty head about, baby." he muttered, giving the younger a kiss on his forehead.

"Please tell me Channie, it's obviously bothering you." Yuta said, playing with the strings of his boyfriends hoodie.

"Just shit people at work baby, too much work and I just really wanted to see and have you in my arms all day." Sungchan said, summarising his day.

Yuta nodded, caressing the elders cheek, "Have a day off tomorrow, Channie, just spend the day with me." Yuta told him.

How could Sungchan say no that?

"Alright baby" He smiled, pecking his lips again. Yuta smiled, falling against his boyfriends chest, feeling sleepy. Yuta was a university student, so assignments and late nights with little sleep wasn't new to him, but luckily he was having a day off as well tomorrow.

"Sleepy bubs?" Sungchan asked, the younger just nodded battling the sleep just to stay conscious to spend more time with Sungchan.

"Go to sleep, darling, we have all day tomorrow." Sungchan whispered, playing with the elders hair, knowing it made him sleepy.

Yuta whined but decided to listen to his boyfriend. Sungchan decided it'd be more comfortable for Yuta in the bedroom, so he picked the younger up and took them there so they could sleep.

Yuta snuggled closer into the elders chest, listening to his heartbeat. He loved listening to Sungchan's heart beat it comforted him so much.

The two ended up falling asleep in each other's embrace, feeling safe.


It was the next day, Sungchan woke up first, he decided to go make the younger breakfast and clean up the dishes from the previous night.

He made breakfast for the two of them, taking it back to the bedroom seeing his boyfriend to fast asleep. He placed the food on the bedside table and nudged his boyfriend.

"Buba, wake up, I made us breakfast." He said, Yuta stirred awake and smiled at the site of his boyfriend. He quickly sat up and gave the elder a morning kiss.

"Here you go baby." He said, passing the food. "Thank you, Sungie." He smiled. The elder nodded smiling at Yuta's smiling face.


After they ate they just cuddled all day, watching netflix, enjoying each other's company. It's been so long since they've spent a day like this together, the two having busy schedules with school and work.

They really enjoyed it and it made up for the bad day Sungchan had the day before.

Word Count: 945

Requested By: @shalvithakkar123

i don't really edit photos bc i think i'm kind of bad at it, but i've been thinking none stop about eboy yuta, so i didn't something about it.

all my problems are solved now

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all my problems are solved now.

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