Mark - Fell Harder

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Genre: Fluff, light angst
Description: Yuta fell first, but Mark fell harder

No one was able to really recall when Yuta and Mark became.. Yuta and Mark.

They could somewhat pinpoint the growing adoration from the elders side somewhere around early 2020, but for the Canadian? No one was all that sure as to when it started.

You could tell from a mile away that Yuta was head over heels for Mark, it was impossible to not notice. Mark was always against physical touch when growing up so when he started giving the Japanese the same attention, maybe even more, it came as a shock to almost everyone.

Yuta had always been someone needing to dote on someone else, so when Sicheng left 127, the elder was sort of lost, he had no one to put all his energy into.

But perhaps for Yuta and Mark's relationship, it was a blessing in disguise, of course, they all missed the Chinese male, he brought great impacts on their life, but it helped the Japanese to find his one and true love.

So as time passed on and Yuta realised his feelings for Mark, he found someone else to dote on and put all his time and effort into.

At first, everyone thought the elder was just messing around, like he did with Sicheng. This caused problems for Yuta, he thought no one too him seriously.

He was openly pansexual, he didn't care for gender, he just wanted someone to love and someone to love him back. The others knew that.

One day, he went over to Mark's room and knocked the door gently, tears pooling in his eyes. The door opened, revealing Mark with his hair flat on his head, some knee length shorts, an over sized hoodie and a grey hoodie, that was about two sizes to big.

"Yu? What's wrong?" Mark asked instantly, holding onto the others cheeks and bringing him down to his height. "Why are you crying, sweetheart?" He asked gently.

"I love you so much." Yuta whispered and let his tears fall, "I know you do, Yuta, you remind me everyday." Mark laughed. He was confused, why was Yuta crying? Of course he knew Yuta loved him.

But that made the elders tears come faster, drop more, "No! You don't get it! I really, really love you!" Yuta sobbed and brought himself closer to Mark and buried his face into the younger's neck.

"Oh Yuyu, I know you do, you love me, so much, hm?" Mark hummed as he comforted the boy, "So, so much.." Yuta mumbled back.

"You know, I love you too." Mark replied and Yuta quickly looked at him, "You do? Not just.. not just in a friendly way?" Yuta gasped.

Mark laughed and shook his head, "More than you could imagine." He spoke and pressed a small kiss onto the other's nose.

With that being said, that's how the pair became to where they were. This was all back in 2021 though, Yuta has seen people say that his love for Mark has lessened over the years.

But he didn't think so? He loved Mark just as much as he did two years ago? Probably even more if he really thought about it.

That got him thinking, it didn't make him insecure, because he knew what he truly felt.

Mark had gotten extremely clingy to him in the last year, he always initiated physical contact first, he always wanted to be around Yuta.

But, the male couldn't see anything wrong with this, how that would make it seem like he loved the younger any less.

From Mark's perspective, he was just acting on his own feelings, he would admit, he didn't like Yuta as much as the elder did when they first got together, but as time grew by, he couldn't imagine being with anyone else, showing his love to anyone else.

He has never been so in love with anyone before.

Yuta was Mark's reason to keep going, to keep up his career path, to follow his dreams, because he knows, know matter what he does, the elder will always be there to hold his hand and support him through thick and thin.

The first thing he thinks of when he wakes up in the morning is his precious Yuyu, the last thing he thinks of before he goes to sleep is hoping his precious boyfriend sleeps well.

But when he started noticing people doubt his boyfriends love for him, it made him rather pissed, he never meant to put that imagine into Yuta, he just couldn't control himself and his own emotions towards the elder.

Mark really thought he would die without Yuta now.

Their relationship was healthy, they spoke about everything that concerned them, as soon as a problem arises, they talk. Even if they're not able to there and then, they will talk later that day.

They don't keep secrets from each other, never once has either made the other feel a sense of doubt.

Mark feels secure in his relationship with Yuta.

He never has to question whether the elder loves him or not.

Because he knows.

He doesn't need Yuta to latch onto him every single minute of the day, in fact, he is the one who does that now, not Yuta.

Mark would give Yuta the earth and if the elder gave him nothing in return, it didn't matter, because Mark knows Yuta loves him.

He is convinced he loves Yuta more, though. The elder doesn't take that fact well and he will argue against it.

The younger walked into the others room and saw him sitting on the bed, staring into space. "My love?" Mark called out and Yuta instantly reacted to the sound of his voice and looked over.

"Markie!" Yuta called and opened his arms for the other to give him a hug.

"Baby, what's wrong? You're just staring at that wall, surely it can't be that interesting." The other joked and Yuta rolled his eyes.

"It is, you should take a look at it sometime." Yuta responded, with the same jokey tone.

Mark laughed and shook his head lying down on the bed, bringing the other down to lie next to him.

"Do you think I love you any less? I don't think I do." Yuta blurted out and causing the other to look at him with a confused look.

"Of course not, angel, why would you even wonder that?" Mark asked, the elder shrugged, "Just people..." He trailed off and Mark sat up.

"My sweet, sweet Yuyu, I know you love me, isn't that enough?" He asked and Yuta smiled up at him and nodded.

"I love you." Yuta spoke and Mark leant down for a small kiss.

"I love you more than anything." Mark replied.

Word Count: 1136

was meant to post this on my birthday a few weeks ago but never lol


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