Taeil - Study

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Genre: Fluff, College AU
Description: Yuta was in his final year of college and exam season was coming up meaning he had to study for it, but all he wanted was love and affection off his boyfriend.

Yuta pouted crossing his arms as he stared at his laptop screen, "Baby the longer you stare at it and do nothing, the longer it's going to take and the less time we'll have to cuddle while watching a movie." Taeil spoke with a sigh.

Yuta whined at what his boyfriend had said despite knowing that it was true.

Taeil had finished college nearly two years ago and he knew how much his younger boyfriend wanted to graduate, so all he could do was support and motivate the college student to study so he could leave.

"But hyung! I can do it tomorrow! We can just spend this evening cuddling and watching movies!" Yuta whined for what seemed like the hundredth time, kicking his legs like a child.

"Baby, you said that yesterday and the day before and yet you still have nothing done." Taeil spoke, making the younger's pout become more obvious.

"But-" He was cut off by the elder, "Baby." The stern tone by the elder made Yuta close his mouth.

The Japanese sighed and actually decided to start studying for his exams but of course he didn't do anything without whining about how mean his boyfriend was for not giving him love and affection.

Taeil just laughed at him and went off to leave the male in peace so he could focus better and he could focus on his own task.

Yuta was muttering under his breath about why his boyfriend wouldn't want to cuddle him since he's the most cuddliest person in the world and that it was his loss.

It was about ten minutes since Taeil left him and he pushed the laptop back on the desk and pouted staring at the screen.

"Hyung!" Yuta whined as he stood up to find his boyfriend, "Hyung, I'm done can we cuddle now?" He asked as he found the other in their shared bedroom.

The elder laughed at him when he saw the other standing there in an oversized hoodie with a pout on his face.

"Bubs, its been 10 minutes." He chuckled, "10 minutes
more then the passed week." Yuta sighed as he walked over to the elder.

Taeil laughed at the response and got up from the bed before Yuta could lie down and cuddle up against him, "Hyung! Why'd you move?" Yuta complained, stomping his foot slightly.

Taeil shook his head, taking the younger's hand and taking him back out to the living room where all his things were, "What are you? Five?" The elder teased the other for his childish behaviour.

Yuta playfully glared at the other and fell back on the sofa since the other pushed him lightly and then crouched between his legs.

"Baby, spend two hours on this okay? Two hours, that's all then we can do whatever you'd like, hm?" Taeil spoke gently, caressing the back of Yuta's hand with his thumb.

Yuta huffed while puffing his cheeks out and looked back over to his laptop, "Do you promise?" He asked, making the elder smile and nod, "Promise." He spoke.

The college student nodded and moved over to his laptop and sat on the floor in front of the table, he set a timer for 2 hours so he could cuddle his boyfriend as soon as them hours were done.

Taeil shook his head with a smile at the action made by the other.

"Good luck, baby." Taeil encouraged with a peck on the others forehead.

Taeil left the room, once again to give his boyfriend enough peace so he could concentrate.

He knew how tough these exams were and how tiring they could be working towards them and when they went on, however, he still wanted to encourage the younger to work hard towards them so he can say he tried his best and hopefully will be happy with the results he'll get.

He will be there to stop his boyfriend if he's overworking himself, the last thing he'd want was the Japanese male working so hard to the point of passing out from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

Taeil was in the kitchen getting all of Yuta's favourite snacks and getting him a drink for when he was done, he then walked back to their shared bedroom to get everything set up for when the two hours were up.

First he placed the snacks and drink on Yuta's side of the bed on the table.

Then got all of Yuta's favourite blankets and all the fluffy pillows he could find to put on their bed.

He then turned on netflix and got the next episode ready to the drama they were watching.

Taeil then got in bed and went on his phone for the rest of the time waiting for Yuta to finish with studying.

Yuta on the other hand was about to burst into tears, he had no idea how he can do this for the next month, he could barley last two hours.

He understood nothing that he was expected to do, but that didn't stop him from trying to at least understand, he didn't want to disappoint Taeil, that's the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint the elder.

He made a promise to himself, he'll get the highest grades he's ever got just to impress Taeil, to make Taeil proud of him, not for himself, for Taeil and only Taeil.

He was about to stand up and go climb in the elders arms, he checked the timer and he only had twenty minutes left.

He could do this.

Well, he did do it, but he also cried because it just confused the male so much.

However, he got it done and he's never been so happy to hear an alarm go off.

He quickly saved all his work, turned off the timer and turned off the laptop and quickly stood up.

He wiped his face, removing any sign of tears and ran out the room and into their shared bedroom.

"Hyung! Hyung! I'm finally done!" Yuta exclaimed as he entered the bedroom, he froze in his spot when he saw everything set up.

Taeil looked up from his phone and smiled at the younger male.

He got up from the bed and walked over to the male and took his hands and brought him further into the room.

Yuta sat on the bed, then got in properly and Taeil mimicked the action and Yuta didn't hesitate to cuddle up the elder male.

"You did so well, baby." Taeil praised making the others heart well up.

Yuta smiled and left a peck on the elders cheek, making Taeil smile, "Only because you promised me cuddled after." Yuta spoke and smiled widely. 

Taeil chuckled and what the younger just said and left a small peck on his head, "Of course baby, can't break my promise."

Word Count: 1178

me realising this book has to end at some point because of wattpad's chapter limit

ive started word of honor and i love wen kexing

this close 🤏🏻 to writing a songxiao fanfic bc apparently everyone in this fucking fandom likes xy x xxc like pls i'll never understand the liking towards that ship but anYWAYS, like i was looking for bottom xxc fanfics but they were all xy x xxc.. i only want songxiao 😔

oh and since some people are getting really pressed about me spelling a few words wrong, i deeply apologise if ive spelt anything wrong in this (:

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