Winwin - Stress

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Winwin has be really busy lately with WayV promotions, Yuta goes to the WayV dorms after getting a call off Kun to come help Winwin with his stress

WayV have been having hectic schedules lately, especially with promotions. Sicheng has been the most stressed about it, wanting to give 100%. Of course, the others did to, but Sicheng took it a little bit more serious.

He's barley been speaking to any of the members, too focused on work, this worried the other members, to the point when Kun decided to call Yuta and see if the elder could help.

Yuta agreed right away, wanting to help his boyfriend with any stress he had. Yuta headed straight to the WayV dorm. It was a little further away from the 127 and Dream dorms, but it was fine for Yuta, he'd travel anyway just to make sure Sicheng was okay.

He finally arrived at the WayV dorms and went to their floor. He knocked on the door, the one who opened it was Xiaojun.

He was startled by the unknown visit, Kun may or may not of forgot to tell the others Yuta was coming. Xiaojun quickly bowed to the elder and greeted him.

He offered for him to come in, Yuta gladly accepted and gave the male a small smile. "Are you here for Winwin?" He asked, shyly.

Yuta nodded, "He's in his room, I'd be careful though, he's quite short tempered lately" Xiaojun warned. Yuta just nodded and walked to the room.

Yuta knocked slightly, he heard a 'What' from the other side. Yuta sighed, preparing himself what he was about to get himself into.

He opened the door slightly and smiled at his boyfriend. His boyfriend looking up and only glanced at him.

"What do you want, Yuta?" He said, focusing on whatever he was doing. Maybe writing lyrics? Yuta didn't really know, or was bothered either, he just wanted to calm his boyfriend down a little bit.

"I came to see you Sichengie!" He said, with a happy tone. Sicheng just rolled his eyes, placing his pen down and turned to Yuta. "Listen, just go back home, I'll talk to you later."

Yuta huffed but went over to Sicheng and sat on his lap. "We should just cuddle like this, don't you think?"
Yuta spoke, ignoring the youngers previous words.

Sicheng sighed, "No I don't, you really should just go back Yuta." He repeated, Yuta got even more comfortable on the boys lap, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"But I like this Sichengie, I haven't seen you in a long time, you should just relax some time" Yuta whispered, leaning his head on the youngers shoulder, closing his eyes.

"Well then you'll just have to wait longer come back after our promotions are done, who even let you in anyway? I said I wanted to be alone." The chinese male said in a cold tone.

"Doesn't matter, Sichengie, just cuddle with meeeee" Yuta whined. Sicheng rolled his eyes, pushing Yuta off his lap, Yuta fell on the floor with.

"You're so annoying Yuta, just go away" Yuta pouted at the boys words, knowing the younger didn't actually mean it, because Sicheng is never like this, hes usually all down for cuddles and Yuta visiting him so he knew it was just the stress clouding his mind.

Yuta stood up and huffed. "No, you'll listen to me now" The japanese said firmly, catching Sicheng off guard. He turned around again and saw the confident look in the mans eyes.

"Yuta lis-" He got cut off, being pulled up off the chair by his boyfriend. Yuta pecked the mans lips, he hadn't touched the man in a long time. "Listen, Sichengie, you'll listen to me this time, okay?" he said.

Sicheng just nodded, generally curious on what the elder was going to say to him. "I know you're stressed because of work, all the promotions but just spend the rest of the day with me, please? You have all day tomorrow to finish whatever you was doing, you don't have any promotions tomorrow." Yuta said softly, knowing how vulnerable Sicheng felt at times like this.

"How did you know we don't have promotions tomorrow?" Sicheng muttered, really  appreciating his boyfriends words right now. Yuta chuckled and pointed at the laminated sheet on the wall infront of the youngers desk, that told them all their schedules for the following weeks.

Sicheng followed his finger and noticed the timetable too, also chuckling. He nodded and entwined his hands with the elder and took him to the bed.

Sicheng got onto  it first, Yuta decided to sit on his lap again and played with the youngers hair, having a conversation here and there, but mainly just enjoying each others company.

"Buba? I'm really sorry for what I said, you know I didn't meant it, right?" Sicheng muttered, pulling his boyfriend impossibly closer, burying his head into his chest.

Yuta slowly patted his head, "Of course I knew Sichengie, I know you'd never say anything like that to me and mean it." He said softly, kissing the crown of the mans head.

Sicheng slightly nodded, thankful to have such an understanding boyfriend. "You also need to look after yourself a bit more, Kun told me that you haven't been eating, drinking and sleeping as much" He paused for a second, going back on what he just said.

He realised he just outed himself on who called him to come, Sicheng lifted his head from the boys chest, "Kun called you?" He asked, Yuta chuckled nervously.

"Kun? Who mentioned Kun?" He said, looking around the room, refusing to look at the man. Sicheng grabbed his face and made him look at him.

"Kun called you?" He asked again, jealousy started to rise in his chest, Yuta caught on to that he was jealous and not mad.

"Awh, is my Sichengie jealous?" He mocked. Sicheng huffed and rolled his eyes, letting go of the mans face, "Why would I be jealous?"

Yuta just laughed, kissing his nose, "You're so cute, Sichengie."

Word Count: 1020

i just argued with army's on twitter for the passed hour alfkwkf

also i read a book and it said "i'm so gay" i never related to sentence more.

Requested by: @Laov10

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