127 - Tics

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta has tics, the others are always there to support him.
Extra: Ive never wrote anything like this before so please bare with me! <3

Yuta had tics, everyone knew that, the members supported him and helped him as much as they could to make his life just the slightest bit easier.

The Japanese couldn't stand them, he hated them more then anything, he always wished they would just go away.

The members on the other hand, they think it makes him unique, they were always there to comfort him. reassure him everything was okay.

There were times they just happened randomly and he wasn't prepared and it really messed him up, today just happened to be one of them days.

Taeil and Taeyong had called them all in to eat, the Japanese male sat closest to the exit in case he needed to get up and leave.

They all sat down and everything was going fine until Yuta's hand went, he ended up accidentally throwing his utensils on the floor and was about to get them until more tics started happening.

"Fucking hell." Yuta also got verbal tics as well which wasn't always the easiest especially when he was an idol along with all this.

After a few minutes the tics finally calmed down, with help of the members telling him it's okay, luckily he didn't knock anything over and they didn't get too violent either.

He was about to stand up and get the utensils he threw across the room but was pulled down by Doyoung, who was sitting by him and told him to just stay still as Mark went over to pick them up for him.

Mark decided to get him some new ones since they had already touched the floor. "Thank you.." he mumbled.

He went to reach for the items in the youngers arm but he could feel another one coming along so he brought his arm back.

"Yuta?" Mark asked, "Shut the fuck up." Yuta said as his tics started getting more and more aggressive.

None of the men took Yuta's cussing or insults to heart as they knew it wasn't something he could control.

They finally calmed down once again and Yuta felt tears in his eyes and stood up as he walked out the room.

All the men sighed, they knew how frustrated he got since he couldn't control how he acted or what he said most of the time, they knew how much he hated the way he was because of them.

They honestly couldn't do anything for him, other then show him all the love and support in the world because if they could take the tics away from him, they would, they knew how much Yuta hated them and wouldn't hesitate to take them away in a heartbeat if they could just do that.

They all sighed and finished eating before going to check on the boy, knowing he'll want space for a bit.

Once they finished eating the put all the plates to the side, wanting to check up on Yuta now, they found the boy on the couch, curled up in a ball, twitching here and there.

"Bubs?" Johnny called out, Yuta lifted his head up and looked at his members with red eyes and a red nose from crying.

"Oh darling.." Jaehyun muttered out walking towards the Japanese male on the couch and wrapping him in his arms, rubbing his back.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't m-mean.. mean it.." Yuta cried out, more directing his apology towards Mark as he was the one who he cussed out.

"It's alright, baby, I know you never meant it." Mark reassured as all the men walked towards the couch and sat down, surrounding Yuta.

The male nodded as his sobs slowly died down and they all finally got comfortable and decided to watch a movie, Yuta was obviously ticking here and there but they too bad.

But after a bit the boy froze, he could feel them coming, he didn't want to bother any of the members but he knew better then to not say what was about to happen.

He tugged on Haechan's shirt, who was by him and gained his attention, "Yes buba?" The male said.

Yuta played with his fingers as he head twitched quite a bit, "Channie.. I can feel them coming.." Yuta muttered out as they were getting worse, more specifically from his neck.

His hands also started going as he started hitting himself quite hard, hard enough to leave a mark or bruise.

Jungwoo and Taeil who were also close to him noticed as well, the way he was throwing his head back quite hard and the way he slapped himself.

The two looked at Haechan who was looking back at them, Jungwoo took Yuta's hands in his and caressed the back of them as Taeil took his head into his hands, they often did this so Yuta wouldn't hurt himself too much.

All the others slowly started noticing and made sure Yuta was alright, "Baby, it's okay, hm? Just look at me.." Taeil muttered, Jungwoo leaving small pecks on his hands and some of the marks he had left on himself.

Haechan carefully massaged his neck, he often really hurt his neck when he had an episode like this, they were quite strong as he was still able to move around in the others hold.

"Fucking bastards." Yuta cussed out, trying to get out of their hold Johnny and Taeyong got up to go get Yuta a blanket and a drink for when his episode was over, he did get extremely tired after one, it really drained him out.

After about 10 minutes his episode was finally over and as expected, he was exhausted, "You okay now?" Jungwoo whispered, looking at the male, who shyly nodded.

Jungwoo smiled softly and left a small peck on his lips, as Johnny and Taeyong noticed the episode was over Taeyong placed the drink on the table beside Yuta and Johnny picked Yuta up placing the other on his lap then the blanket over the two of them.

Yuta got comfortable and rested his head in Johnny's neck and got comfortable.

"You aright there, baby?" Johnny asked, earning a nod from the other.

Yuta then went on his phone and checked social media before he finally went to sleep.

He saw so many comments mentioning how weird his tics were, how he'd be better out the group, how his tics ruined the groups image, how he'd be so much more attractive and talented without them.

Yuta felt tears well up in his eyes and he threw his phone so he couldn't read them anymore.

"Yu?" Doyoung called out noticing the phone that was just thrown.

All their attention went back to the boy on Johnny's lap who had tears streaming down his face, "What's happened, buba?" Doyoung asked.

"A-are my t-tics weird..?" Yuta stuttered out as he wiped his tears away. 

All the men gasped at the question and looked at each other, "No! Of course not! They make you unique darling, they're not weird, believe us?" Mark assured, smiling at the male.

Yuta nodded, "Believe us darling, they're not weird at all, they're apart of you, it's nothing you can control, you're perfectly normal." Johnny mumbled leaving kisses all over Yuta's face making the other blush.

Yuta just nodded, not saying anything else that night, falling asleep in Johnny's arms, still extremely tired from his episode.

Word Count: 1260

happy lucas day! <3

Requested By: @boy_band_lover

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