Lucas - Flinch

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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Description: Yuta flinches during an argument

Yuta and Lucas rarely fight, of course, they did every now and then, every couple does. But when they do fight it's usually really bad.

This one has to be their worst one in the 4 years they've been together. Yuta went out with a group of friends, Lucas later got a photo of one of his friends of apparently Yuta kissing and other guy.

But that wasn't the case, you couldn't even see 'Yuta's' face, but as anyone would, he believed it and confronted the boy when he got back.

They were in the kitchen, screaming and yelling at eachother. Both holding their tears back, not wanting to look weak in front of the other.

"I literally showed you the photo that I saw! It was clearly you!" Lucas screamed at the smaller boy in front of him.

If Yuta hated anything it was being accused of being a liar when he wasn't. "You can't even see my fucking face! How are you going to stand there and say it's me! No it isn't!" Yuta yelled back, pulling his hair, getting irritated by the lack of understanding.

"Why the fuck would I cheat on you? You fucking know my views on cheating! If I wanted someone else
I would've just broke up with you, you absolute dipshit!" Cuss words coming out of Yuta's mouth left and right.

He wasn't one to cuss unless he was annoyed. "You went to a fucking club! Not knowing any one I knew was there! Of course you could fucking cheat there, regardless of your so said fucking views!" Lucas was getting beyond annoyed.

It hurt him seeing that photo, sure it was exactly Yuta, but he didn't know that, "Did them four years mean shit all to you?!" He said, throwing stuff off the kitchen table over.

They were never aggressive with each other even when arguments happened. But this scared Yuta, not knowing what the taller man in front of him would do to him.

But regardless he shouted back at the man, "Of course! They meant everything to me! What's not fucking clicking?! Are you even listening to me?! Because I don't think you are! ITS. NOT. ME." his voice getting louder and louder, as frustration grew
more and more.

Lucas clicked his tongue and walked away, not believing anything the man in front of him was saying. They were meant to get married, have a honey moon, adopt kids. But why would he do any of that with a man who cheated on him.

"Oh? So you're walking away now, huh? Why? Because you want to accuse me for something that I never did!" Yuta yelled, following the taller man.

"Yuta!" He screamed, that took Yuta back, he never called him by his name. "Just drop it, okay? I'll pack my stuff and leave! You can bring that man back and live with him! I'll find somewhere else to stay!" Lucas said turning around.

This time, tears filled up Yuta's eyes, "It's not me, I didn't cheat.. I was with my friends the whole time.." He said a lot quieter this time.

Lucas rolled his eyes, raising his hands to run them through his hair, out of frustration. He noticed the way the boy in front of him flinched and moved back.

This took Lucas by surprised. "Baby..?" the tall male
said, letting the pet name slip out. Yuta dropped to his knees "I'm sorry! I didn't cheat! I swear! I'd never do that to you! P-please don't hit me.." The smaller boy finally broke, letting tears slip out.

Lucas felt awful, he would never hit Yuta, never, no matter how the boy hurt him, he'd never hit him and the fact he thought he was going to made his heart break.

"Baby, I'd never hit you.. please understand that.." He muttered out, listening to the boys sobs. "I-I ne-never did it.. I-I love L-Lucas too much to d-do it.." When Yuta started saying people's names when crying instead of 'you' that's when the younger knows it's bad.

"Baby.. can I hug you?" Lucas asked, quite hesitant, lowering himself to Yuta's level. He got a little nod off the boy and quickly wrapped his arms around him.

Yuta sobbed into the mans chest, "I-I re-really never did i-it" Yuta took hold of Lucas' shirt, Lucas hushed him, rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

Tears started escaping Lucas' eyes as well, he never ever wanted to see his baby like this, it hurt him so bad.

He slowly pulled away from the hug and the shorter starred at him with tearful eyes. Lucas slowly stood up, taking his boyfriends hands and pulling him up with him.

Yuta fell into his chest and Lucas, again, wrapped his arms around the boy. "Do you promise baby? Do you promise it wasn't you?" The taller whispered.

The smaller nodded, "I really really promise.. I'd never do it.." He said, looking up at Lucas, the younger nodded, pressing a small kiss on the boys lips.

"Alright, baby, I believe you" Lucas said, caressing the boys cheek. Yuta nodded, resting his head back on the mans chest.

"I really really love you, Lulu.. I want to stay with you forever and ever.. please don't leave.." The boy muttered while closing his eyes, tired from crying.

"I love you too, buba, I won't leave.. I'll stay here with you for ever, yeah?" Lucas smiled, listening to the smaller boys words.

Yuta smiled, lifting his head up once again, wrapping his arms around the taller boys neck, pulling him down to his level.

Yuta left small kisses all over Lucas' face, everywhere but his lips. Yuta then let go and smirked at the pouting giant. "Babyyyyyyyy"he whined, watching the boy leave the room, heading to their shared bed room.

Lucas huffed, following the smaller and then saw him getting changed into basketball shorts and one of Lucas' shirts.

Before he could put the shirt on Lucas wrapped his arms around the boy, spun him around and stole a kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?" The shorter pouted. Lucas chuckled you never gave me one so I came and took it myself, he smirked then got into bed, waiting for his boyfriend.

Yuta rolled his eyes playfully, put the shirt on then joined his boyfriend in bed and for the rest of the night, they just cuddled and watched netflix.

Sure, there was still a bit of tension after the fight but they both decided to ignore it until the following morning.

Word Count: 1117


also if you have any requests let me know bc i'm slowly running out ideas-

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